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词汇 drinker
例句 I'm not a heavy drinker.我不酗酒。He quickly earned the reputation as a hard drinker and hell-raiser.他很快就因酗酒和专爱惹是生非而出了名。He's a light eater/smoker/drinker/user.他吃得/抽烟/喝酒/用得不多。He had the watery eyes and swollen nose of a drinker.他泪水汪汪,鼻子红肿,是个酒鬼。He's a social drinker. 他只在应酬交际的时候喝酒。I'm not a big tea drinker.我喝茶不多。Sam is a very heavy drinker.萨姆是个大酒鬼。I'm not a drinker but I allow myself to indulge at parties.我平时不喝酒,但在社交集会上也让自己开开戒。I'm a social drinker - I only drink when I'm with other people.我是个“社交型”饮酒者——只在与人相聚时饮酒。I'm a tea drinker mostly - I don't like coffee.我习惯喝茶——不喜欢咖啡。Richard Twitcher, philosopher, controversialist, and drinker extraordinaire理查德特威切,哲学家、辩论者兼伟大的酒鬼He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker.他埋怨她喝得太慢,然后把她的杯子倒满。She had been a heavy drinker as long as I had known her.从我认识她的时候开始她就一直酗酒。I realized that I wasn't an alcoholic, but I was a binge drinker.我意识到自己不是个酒鬼,但有时会狂饮一番。He hid the fact that he was a secret drinker from his employees for many years.他有偷偷酗酒的习惯,但是他向雇员隐瞒了好多年。Dave has always been a bit of a drinker.戴夫一直是个小酒鬼。He has the cunning of the secret drinker who hides bottles.他是一个诡诈的酒徒,偷偷喝酒然后有把酒瓶藏起来的本领。Harlan had always been an abstemious drinker.哈伦饮酒一向很有节制。You don't need to be a smoker or a drinker to risk heart disease.并不是只有抽烟喝酒的人才会犯心脏病。She is a social drinker only-she never drinks at home.她只在应酬时饮酒 - 在家里从不喝酒。She is known as an abstemious eater and drinker.她是个出了名的饮食有节制的人。Jack was a great drinker and gambler.杰克是个大酒徒、大赌棍。One out of every five people is a problem drinker.每五人中就有一个人有酗酒问题。I progressed from a social drinker into a problem drinker.我从一个应酬时才喝酒的人发展成了一个酒鬼。She's a big beer/wine/coffee drinker. 她很能喝啤酒/葡萄酒/咖啡。He's a heavy/moderate drinker.他是个酒鬼/饮酒有节制的人。




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