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词汇 almost certainly
例句 If he is found guilty, he will almost certainly hang.如果被判有罪,他几乎肯定会被处以绞刑。The bombs are almost certainly part of a much bigger conspiracy.几乎可以肯定,这些炸弹是一个更大的阴谋的一部分。When the final numbers are tallied, sales will almost certainly have fallen.等到最终的数字统计出来后,几乎可以肯定销售额下降了。This was almost certainly the high-water mark of her career.这几乎肯定是她事业的巅峰。Direct questions would almost certainly result in evasive answers.直截了当的问题几乎肯定会得到含糊其词的回答。The team now almost certainly faces demotion.这支球队目前几乎肯定要面临降级的命运。If the conservatives are not removed, then the party will almost certainly split down the middle.如果不除掉保守势力,那么这个党几乎肯定会分裂成两派。The lifejacket had almost certainly ensured her survival.救生衣几乎确保了她的生还。Although he could give her sympathy, any practical help would almost certainly be beyond him.虽然他可以对她表示同情,但是他几乎根本无法提供任何实际的帮助。The murderer was almost certainly right-handed.几乎可以肯定凶手是惯用右手的。The jury will almost certainly render a guilty verdict.几乎可以肯定陪审团将判决有罪。It will almost certainly lead to disaster.这几乎肯定会导致一场灾难。Enemy forces were almost certainly preparing to invade.敌军准备入侵差不多是肯定的了。The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices.通货膨胀率的不断上升几乎肯定会导致物价攀升。This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about immigration.这项提议很可能会再一次在全国范围内引起关于移民的争论。He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。With technical details of the security system already circulating on the Internet, instructions for cracking it will almost certainly make their way into the computer underground.由于保安系统的技术资料已在因特网上流传,如何侵入该系统的指令也当然会流入非法人员所用的计算机中。If you leave your essay until the last minute, you'll almost certainly panic.如果你把文章一直拖到最后一刻再写,心里肯定会很慌。He was said to have been bright at school and almost certainly bound for university.据说他在中学时代一直很聪明,几乎可以肯定会上大学。If you try to keep him under control and tethered to your apron strings there will almost certainly be a row.如果你试图控制他,让他什么都听你的,十有八九你们会吵架。If you don't follow the instructions, it'll almost certainly go wrong.你要是不按照说明去做,差不多肯定会出错。The arrested man will almost certainly be kept at this police station.几乎可以肯定,被逮捕的男子将被扣押在该警察局。It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO.这几乎明确地预示着北大西洋公约组织的终结。Increased emissions almost certainly have a damaging effect on the environment.排放量的增加几乎肯定会对环境造成破坏性影响。The snake that bit her was almost certainly poisonous.几乎可以肯定,咬她的是条毒蛇。




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