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词汇 dreams
例句 The plan succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.计划居然出乎我意料地成功了。She told me all her hopes and dreams.她把所有的憧憬和梦想都告诉了我。She became rich beyond her wildest dreams. 她做梦都没想到自己会变得那么有钱。I hardly ever remember my dreams.我极少记得我做过的梦。Another fairly common belief is that dreams reproduce the events of the day before.另一个普遍的观念是,梦境再现了白天的生活。She was wafted by sleep into the land of dreams.睡眠将她迅速带入梦乡。This victory is the realization of our dreams.这次胜利实现了我们的梦想。The amount of money we raised was beyond our wildest dreams.我们筹集到的钱的数目之大完全超出了我们的意料。Her dreams had a way of blending into her waking thoughts.她的梦渐渐变成了清醒的想法。She confided in him all her hopes and dreams.她向他吐露了她所有的希冀与梦想。This advertisement promises to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.这一广告许诺说能让人富得超乎想象。Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered.特雷莎的梦想破灭了,伤心欲绝。Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd end up here.我从未想到过我会来到这里。They projected their dreams onto us.他们设想我们与他们具有同样的梦想。Never in my wildest dreams did I think we could win.我做梦也没想到我们会赢。He is tired of his city job and dreams of getting back to the land.他厌倦城里的工作,渴望回去过田园生活。Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen.我做梦也想不到会发生这样的事。He dreams of climbing Kilimanjaro.他梦想登上乞力马扎罗山。They had quixotic dreams/visions about the future.他们对未来有不切实际的梦想/幻想。The poet's dreams find a shape in his poetry.这位诗人的理想在他的诗歌中得到体现。She did not often recall dreams on waking.她醒来时往往记不起所做的梦。Without a scholarship, her dreams of college would go up in smoke.没有奖学金,她上大学的梦想就成为了泡影。She can never remember her dreams upon waking.她醒来后从来记不住自己做的梦。Into the bar walked the girl of his dreams.他理想中的女孩走进了酒吧。In all their wildest dreams the boys could never have anticipated a room so full of chocolate.孩子们连做梦也没有想到过会有这样一间满屋子都是巧克力的房间。His dreams were shattered by their rejection.他们的拒绝粉碎了他的梦想。He dreams of changing the world for the better.他梦想着让世界变得更美好。Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams.科学家们往往回避释梦的难题。Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day I would run a marathon.我从来没有想过有一天我居然也能跑马拉松。Often he would have bad dreams and cry out in his sleep.他常常做噩梦,并且在梦里喊出声来。We've been trying to make sense of our dreams.我们一直试图理解梦的含义。He would sometimes relive the battle in his dreams.他有时会在梦中重温那次战役。They are not what they seem, their dreams are gossamer.他们可不是看起来的那样,他们的梦想虚无缥缈。My dreams have been shattered.我的梦想破灭了。Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too.荣格认为上帝在梦中和我们交谈。圣经上也如是说。Freud's approach to the analysis of dreams is highly compelling.弗洛伊德对梦境的分析方法非常令人信服。She said that dreams go by contraries.她说梦要按相反意思来解释。Our fondest dreams ended in discomfiture.我们的美梦以破灭告终。Daisy tumbled short of his dreams.黛茜够不上他理想中的标准。They achieved a success beyond their wildest dreams.他们取得了做梦也未曾想到的成功。




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