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I found him in the garden, dreaming away as usual.我在花园里找到了他,同平时一样他又在一个劲儿地发呆。Perhaps I'm still dreaming, I said to myself.也许我还在做梦,我心里想。You're dreaming if you think you can win.你要是以为自己可以获胜的话,一定是在胡思乱想。It was all so beautiful I had to pinch myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming.一切都太美了,以至于我不得不掐自己一下确定不是在梦里。Most dreaming occurs during REM sleep.大多数做梦现象发生在快速眼动睡眠期间。She stared out the window dreaming. 她凝视窗外,陷入幻想。He'd been dreaming of her.他一直梦见她。He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.他不断想出奇特的新计划来促进和扩大业务。I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.我拧了自己一把,以弄明白不是在做梦。Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.做梦时经常伴随快速眼动。I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.我只好掐了一下自己,确信我不是在做梦。He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.他很有发明才能,总是能凭空想象出一些新的家用小装置。I can't believe that he's back from Canada and he's mine - I keep having to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.我不敢相信他从加拿大回来了,而且他属于我——我不停地拧自己以确信我不是在做梦。Banks seem to spend a lot of time dreaming up ways to get more money from their customers.银行似乎花了许多时间来想办法从客户那里赚取更多的钱。I thought I'd bought some polish and it seems I haven't - I must have been dreaming.我以为自己买了一些上光剂而现在似乎并没有——这一定是我自己的想象。I hoped that someone would wake me up, that I had only been dreaming.我希望有人叫醒我,我只是在做梦。She would just sit in her room dreaming away the hours.她常常会在自己房间里坐着遐想几个小时。She spent hours reading love stories and dreaming of romance.她花了大把的时间阅读爱情小说,梦想着浪漫的恋情。She had been dreaming and had not followed the conversation.她一直在走神,没注意听谈话。Abbreviation of sleep means a reduction in REM dreaming.缩短睡眠意味着缩短快速眼动做梦时间。He called for the committee to stop dreaming and return to reality.他呼吁委员会停止幻想,回到现实。 |