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词汇 down with
例句 He chased the whisky down with a pint of beer.他喝完威士忌酒接着又喝了一品脱啤酒。You'd better rub him down with a dry towel.Otherwise he'll catch cold.你最好用干毛巾给他擦干,否则他会感冒的。She had to chow down with the others in the cafeteria.她只好与其他人一起在自助餐厅里吃了。She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries.她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。The building came down with a run.建筑物突然倒坍。He punched down with his fist, hitting Tom's face.他挥拳猛击下去,打在汤姆的脸上。The doctor prescribed his patient who was down with fever.医生给发烧病人开了药方。She put him down with a sharp retort.她辛辣的反驳令他哑口无言。Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.玛莎班上有一半的学生得了流感。He took the dose down with a grimace.他苦着脸吞下了那服药。A young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance.一位年轻姑娘跳了一段芭蕾舞博得全场喝彩。She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye.她去了医院,发现他躺着,一只眼睛戴着眼罩。This explanation won't go down with me.这一解释我无法接受。The navy tied the enemy down with gunfire.海军用炮火牵制敌人。She has been down with the flu for a week.她感冒已经一周了。James has come down with a fever.詹姆斯发烧病倒了。She had feared she was going down with pneumonia or bronchitis.她担心会得肺炎或支气管炎。The uprising was put down with ruthless efficiency.起义被迅速镇压下去了。Youngsters always took down with notions.年轻人的脑子里老会产生各种念头。Thomas came down with chickenpox at the weekend.托马斯周末染上了水痘。The rain came down with a splash.一场瓢泼大雨哗哗而下。He smoothed the metal down with a file.他用锉刀锉平了那块金属。If it hadn't been bucketing down with rain and blowing a gale, I would have had a glorious view.如果不是大雨和狂风,我本可以欣赏到极其美丽的风景。I don't mean to drag you down with all my problems.我不想让我的这些问题把你搞得很不高兴。I found a sequestered spot in the park and lay down with my book.我在花园的深处找到一个幽静的地方,于是躺下来看书。I'm afraid we can't come this weekend - the baby's gone down with a sore throat.恐怕这个周末我们不能来了,宝宝喉咙痛。Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye.梅茜用挑剔的目光打量对手。Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。Will the plan go down with the farmers?这项计划能为农民接受吗?He lay down with his limbs spread out in a star.他四肢向外伸展成星形躺下。The director sent me down with a message for you.主任派我下来捎个信给你。I was loaded down with shopping.我带着重重的一堆买来的东西。His hair had been combed back and slicked down with something to make it neat.他的头发用了什么东西,往后梳得油光发亮,平平整整。Her ex-husband threatened to burn the house down with her and the kids inside.她前夫威胁说要把房子连她和孩子在内一起烧掉。Students can sit down with a careers adviser and discuss what to do next.学生可以坐下来和职业顾问探讨下一步的计划。The ship is bearing down with the land.这艘船正在向陆地驶来。May seized the broom and brought it down with a tremendous whack upon David's back.玫抓起扫把,重重地打在大卫的背上。I cram egg, toast, bacon, and fried potatoes into my mouth, swilling it all down with coffee.我把鸡蛋、吐司、熏肉和炸土豆塞进嘴里,用咖啡把它们一股脑儿顺下去。Yeah, I'm down with that.是的,我明白了。He is down with a nasty bout of flu.他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。




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