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词汇 download
例句 You can download an entire album with a click of a mouse.点击一下鼠标就可以下载整张音乐专辑。You have to download the update and save it to your hard drive.你得下载更新文件存入硬盘。Don't download anything on your Bluetooth phone without taking suitably prophylactic measures.在采取适当的保护措施之前,不要用蓝牙往手机上下载任何东西。We have a wide range of audiobooks for you to download to your smartphone or other listening device.我们有一系列有声读物供你下载到智能手机或其他设备上收听。The studio launches its own digital music download service next month.这个工作室将于下月推出自己的数字音乐下载服务。You can download this patch from our website.你可以从我们的网站下载这个程序补丁。You can download desktop wallpaper.你可以下载桌面壁纸。Everything we download from the Internet is automatically filtered through our virus software.我们从因特网上下载的所有东西杀毒软件都会自动进行过滤。The program is available for download at the company's Web site.这个程序可以从公司网站上下载。The download failed.下载失败了。They were told that the BBC had the power to override their machines and download programmes of its choice.他们被告知,英国广播公司有权覆盖他们机器上的内容并推送由英国广播公司选择的节目。You can download this software for free.你可以免费下载这个软件。I always download my emails and read them offline.我总是先下载电子邮件然后离线阅读。The download will take about three minutes.下载大约需要三分钟。It's easier than you think to inadvertently download a malicious Trojan horse.因为疏忽而下载恶意木马,这比你想象的要容易。When you download the font it may be in a compressed format, such as a zip file.下载的字体可能为压缩格式,如压缩文件包。You can download a free trial version from the website.你可以从网站上下载免费的试用版。You can download items such as games, screensavers and wallpaper.你可以下载诸如游戏、护屏程序、墙纸之类的东西。They're going to download your next record.他们要下载你的下一张唱片。You can download the program free, but it's not supported.你可以免费下载该程序,但它没有技术支持。Click here to download a demo of the new version of our personal finance software.点击这里下载我们新版个人金融软件的演示程序。You can download updates for free.你可以免费下载更新软件。It is possible, of course, for computer users to illegally download games for free.电脑使用者非法免费下载游戏当然是可能的。A bug in the browser lets servers download a Trojan horse.浏览器的程序漏洞会导致服务器下载特洛伊木马病毒。Users can download their material to a desktop PC.用户可以把资料下载到台式机上。He maintained that the software update should not take long to download.他曾坚称软件更新不宜占用太长下载时间。You can dock the camera directly to the printer and download the pictures.你可以把相机直接连接到打印机上,然后下载相片。The Web site has hundreds of animations you can download.这个网站有上百部动画片可供下载。The software makes it easier to download music.该软件使下载音乐变得更加容易。All of our products are available for download on our website.我们所有的产品都在网站上供用户下载。Users can download material to a PC.用户可把资料下载到个人计算机。You simply download the pages to disk.你只需要把这几页下载到磁盘上。




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