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词汇 dove
例句 The whale surfaced and then dove back down.鲸浮出水面后又潜了回去。The dove in the picture is a representation of peace.画中的鸽子象征着和平。The dove is an emblem of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。The plane suddenly dove.飞机突然俯冲而下。The dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。She dove into the pool.她跳入游泳池。He dove for the ball.他一个鱼跃向球扑去。She dove into the swimming pool.她一头跳入泳池中。The dove is a symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。They dove into their work.他们积极投入到工作中。The goalie dove in front of the goal.守门员在球门前突然起跳。The dove is a universal symbol of peace.鸽子在世界范围内都是和平的象征。The whale dove down to deeper water.那头鲸潜到更深的水下了。Come little dove, don't be afraid.好啦,小宝贝,别害怕。The stock's value dove to an all-time low.股票价值暴跌至历史最低。She dove into the water headfirst.她一头扎入水中。I dove headlong to the floor.我头朝前倒在了地板上。The whale surfaced briefly then dove under again.这头鲸短暂浮上水面后又潜入水中。He waved his hand over the empty box and - poof! - a dove appeared.他的手从空盒子上挥过——嚯!——变出来了一只鸽子。She dove and kicked her way down toward the bottom.她潜入水中,用脚打水向水底游去。She dove into her purse to find some change.她急忙伸手到手提包里找零钱。He dove his hand into the tank and pulled out a fish.他猛地把手伸进鱼缸,捞出一条鱼。She forgot to point her toes when she dove into the water.她跳入水中时忘记了绷直脚尖。




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