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词汇 doubtless
例句 It was doubtless his own fault.这无疑是他自己的错。There will doubtless be many more issues to deal with before this is over.这件事完成之前无疑还有更多的问题要处理。He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds.他很可能会试图说服同事们改变主意。They will doubtless get their money back.他们一定会把钱拿回来的。Viruses and logic bombs can doubtless do great damage under some circumstances.在某些情况下,病毒和逻辑炸弹无疑会造成巨大损坏。They will doubtless protest, but there's nothing they can do.他们肯定会提出抗议,但却也无能为力。This topic will doubtless be debated throughout the election season.这个话题毫无疑问将会在整个大选期间加以辩论。She took off her shoes, doubtless because her feet hurt.她脱了鞋,很可能是因为脚疼。She will doubtless come on time.她肯定会准时来的。She was doubtless the smartest person in her class.她无疑是班上最聪明的人。John has doubtless told you about me.约翰大概已把我的情况对你说了吧。His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.他那直截了当、往往还粗鲁生硬的办事方式无疑会激怒一些人。We are doubtless destined to hear a lot more of this.我们可能注定会听到更多的这种东西。This doubtless made for an impression of appropriately Olympian detachment.这无疑恰到好处地给人留下了一种庄重、超然的印象。The car accident will doubtless result in a lawsuit.这场车祸必定会引起一场官司。He'd doubtless heard rumours on the grapevine.他肯定听到了小道传闻。




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