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词汇 dot
例句 He arrived at nine o'clock on the dot.他是九点整到达的。She watched the train until it was only a dot in the distance.她一直看著火车,直到它走远了,成了一个小点。She marked the paper with a dot.她在纸上画个点儿作记号。The dot got smaller and smaller and vanished from the screen.那小点越来越小,最后从银幕上消失了。The negotiations are nearly finished, but we still have to dot the i's and cross the t's.谈判即将结束,但是我们还是要做到一丝不苟。You'll have to make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's if you go to work at that company.如果你去那家公司工作,你做事得一丝不苟。You've wanted to be a barrister since the year dot.你很久以前就想当出庭律师了。I always like to be there on the dot.我总喜欢准时到达那里。The call came on the dot of eight.电话在八点正打来了。The women all wore a red dot right in the centre of their foreheads.那些妇女的额头正中都画着一粒红点。As we drove away, the house became just a dot on the horizon.我们驾车远去,那座房子渐渐变成了地平线上的一个小点。The hip-hugging black and white polka-dot dress was the height of fashion.黑白圆点花纹的紧身连衣裙当时是最时尚的。I set off for New York to cross the Ts and dot the Is with Westinghouse.我动身去了纽约,和西屋公司商讨细节。The binoculars resolved the grey moving dot into swarms of airplanes moving north in tight V's.双筒望远镜辨析出那移动的灰色圆点是一群群编成紧密人字队形向北飞行的飞机。The plane landed at two o'clock on the dot.飞机两点钟准时降落。The company got badly burned in the collapse.网络行业崩溃的时候,公司遭受了重大亏损。New companies are springing up all the time.新的网络公司不断涌现。She owned thousands of dollars in dot-com stock.她持有数千美元的网络公司股票。Most of these folks have been here since the year dot.很久很久以前这些人就已经在这里了。Castles and churches dot the countryside.城堡和教堂点缀在乡间。Several of the leading dot-coms saw their share prices slide yesterday.几家主要的网络公司的股票价格昨天下跌了。We've known each other since the year dot.我们已经互相认识很久了。He would dot his i's and cross his t's in letting his employees know what he expected of them.他会详细地对职工讲明他对他们的要求。The movement of the dot on the screen corresponds exactly with the movement of the control lever.屏幕上圆点的移动与控制杆的移动完全一致。There is likely to be further contraction of the sector as more firms go bankrupt.随着更多公司破产,网络行业很可能进一步收缩。You'll have to make sure that you dot the i's and cross the t's while doing the work.做这工作时,你应该做到一丝不苟。When I was a child, I wished I could have a polka-dot dress.但我是小孩子的时候,我希望拥有一条有圆点花纹的裙子。She wore not one bauble save a dot pearl in each ear.她除了耳朵上一副珍珠耳钉外没有戴任何饰品。He gets annoyed if his lunch isn't ready at one o'clock on the dot.如果午饭没有在一点钟准时做好,他就会生气。The full stop at the end of this sentence is a dot.这个句子末尾的句号是一个小圆点。He's been in the local pantomime since the year dot.他很长时间以来一直在本地从事哑剧表演。You have a dot of ketchup on your shirt.你的衬衫上沾了一小块番茄酱。We watched until the plane was just a dot in the sky.我们注视着飞机直到它在天空中成了一个小黑点。She was told to arrive at 8 o'clock on the dot.她被告知八点钟准时到。Small villages dot the sides of the mountain.山坡上星星点点地散落着不少小村落。Beads of sweat were beginning to dot his forehead.汗珠开始布满他的前额。Small coastal towns dot the landscape.这一地区滨海小镇星罗棋布。Quaint cottages dot the countryside.古朴的村舍散落在乡间。We need some extra time to dot the i's and cross the t's on the report.我们需要一点额外的时间来完善报告中的细节。The ship became a mere dot on the horizon.轮船在地平线上成了一个小黑点。




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