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词汇 domestic
例句 He may have domestic problems; I'll have a quiet word with him.他可能碰上了家庭难题,让我去和他私下谈谈。She is not very domestic.她不太喜欢操持家务。On the domestic front, the president got his way with his budget proposals.国内方面,总统提出的预算案获得了通过。He believes the firm support of domestic opinion will strengthen his hand at the UN.他认为国内舆论的坚定支持会使得他在联合国的地位更加巩固。The President uses his foreign affairs assistant as a sounding board and adviser for domestic decisions too.总统把他的外交事务助理也当作是国内问题决策的咨询人和顾问。The government is at sixes and sevens over the issue of domestic security.在国内安全问题上,政府一片混乱。We don't have any domestic help just now.眼下我们家里一个佣人也没有。The charity helps children who have been subjected to domestic violence and sexual abuse.这家慈善机构帮助遭受过家庭暴力和性骚扰的儿童。A number of domestic animals have some utility for man while they are alive.一些家畜在活着的时候对人类有一定的用途。The airline only offers domestic flights. 这家航空公司只提供国内航班。We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers.我们提供多种家用电器,包括冰箱、冰柜和洗碗机。In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances, food preparation took up most of the day.还没有家用小器具和省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。Police have difficulties in dealing with domestic disputes.警方很难处理家庭纠纷。Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig.野猪很容易和家猪杂交。She likes to keep her domestic life quite separate from her work.她喜欢把家庭生活和工作完全分开。Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.他们的国内改革并没有解决失业问题。She got in a domestic with her husband.她与丈夫发生了激烈争吵。I'm not a domestic person.我不是一个很喜欢操持家务的人。History books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors.历史书籍里对于我们祖先家庭生活方面的事记载得不多。They are unprepared to accept the real reasons for their domestic and foreign situation.他们不愿意接受造成这种国内外形势的真实原因。The next day he put himself first on the new roster for domestic chores.第二天,他把自己排在了新的家务值日表的第一位。It sounded like the neighbours were having a bit of a domestic.听起来好像是邻居们发生了家庭纠纷。I have experience in domestic law, but international law is another kettle of fish. 国内法我有经验,但国际法可是另一码事。Cheap imports are hurting business for domestic producers.廉价的进口货损害了国内生产商的生意。This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.本周广播节目里有一则关于家庭暴力受害者的特别报道。If a young woman did not have a dowry, she went into domestic service.如果一个年轻女子没有嫁妆,她就要做家政服务赚钱。Opportunities for men and women, though especially the latter, are limited to employment in agriculture or domestic service.男女的就业机会,尤其是后者,局限于农业或家务方面。It is important that the recovery be export-led rather than led by domestic consumption.经济复苏应由出口而不是国内消费带动,这一点很重要。To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.乍看起来,这与其他家庭纠纷没什么两样。It no longer makes sense to give the Pentagon a blank check when funding for domestic programs is being reduced.国内项目的拨款正在减少,给五角大楼财政全权就不再合理了。John and Val's domestic problems were compounded by stress at work.工作压力加重了约翰和瓦尔的家庭问题。She likes keeping domestic birds.她喜欢饲养家禽。All European domestic cattle belong to the same species.所有欧洲的家牛都属于同一品种。The hijacker commandeered the plane on a domestic flight.劫机者劫持了这架国内客机。It can be difficult for people with domestic responsibilities to work late at night.承担着家庭责任的人工作至深夜是有困难的。If the President can stop the war, his domestic position will be enormously strengthened.如果总统能结束战争,他在国内的地位将大大加强。Women at that time were confined to the domestic sphere.那时的妇女被局限在家庭的小圈子里。Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter.一国对另一国内政的干涉违反联合国宪章。Their business schools provide recruits for domestic industry.他们的商业学校为手工业生产输送新人。The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns.那些家长对家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事没什么兴趣。




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