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词汇 dolphins
例句 Whales and dolphins are still being slaughtered for commercial gain.仍然有人为了商业利益大肆捕杀鲸鱼和海豚。Sounds emitted by the dolphins were recorded with an underwater microphone.海豚发出的叫声用一个水下麦克风录了下来。The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat.人类对海豚造成的最为严重的影响是使它们失去了栖息之地。The dolphins will be freed into the ocean once their injuries have healed.这些海豚受的伤一痊愈就会被放回海里。They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.他们见利忘义地试图以减少屠杀海豚数量作为交换条件,重启商业捕鲸。Humans, dogs, elephants, and dolphins are all mammals, but birds, fish, and crocodiles are not.人、狗、大象和海豚都是哺乳动物,而鸟、鱼和鳄鱼则不是。Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment.很多海豚因为被渔具缠住而意外死亡。The study disproves any notion that dolphins are not intelligent.这项研究证明任何关于海豚不聪明的观点都是错的。Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.海洋生物学家号召将卡迪根湾建成一个海洋自然保护区,以保护那里的海豚。The amplified sounds are suggestive of dolphins chatting to each other under the sea.那些放大的声音使人联想到海豚在海底的窃窃私语。We were looking out over the sea when, right on cue, the dolphins appeared.我们放眼向大海望去,就在这个时候海豚出现了。Some scientists claim that dolphins are more intelligent than humans.有些科学家说海豚比人更聪明。Tens of thousands of dolphins and small whales are brutally massacred every year.每年有数万条海豚和小鲸鱼被残酷地屠杀。The bodies of dolphins are more streamlined than those of porpoises.海豚的体型比鼠海豚更具流线型特点。We stood on the deck and watched dolphins swim near the ship.我们站在甲板上,看海豚在船附近游动。Use of the new nets has significantly decreased the number of dolphins killed accidentally each year.使用新式渔网大大减少了每年海豚意外死亡的数目。Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.活动人士示威抗议宰杀海豚。Do dolphins possess the ability to use language?海豚具有使用语言的能力吗?Warning devices are needed to prevent dolphins and whales from becoming entangled in the nets.需要安装警示装置以防海豚和鲸鱼被网缠住。We watched for dolphins jumping on the horizon.我们等着海豚在天水交接处跃出海面。Studies of dolphins have shown that they are able to communicate information to each other.对海豚的研究显示它们相互之间能传递信息。The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves.海豚消失在波涛中。A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.那片区域里的大部分海豚终将死去。Many people are disgusted at the continuing slaughter of dolphins.许多人都对持续屠杀海豚的行为表示憎恶。She described watching dolphins play beside the ship.她描述了观赏海豚在船边玩耍的情形。A close parallel to this mating pattern is found in dolphins.在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的交配模式。Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health of the dolphins.科学家研究过海豚的繁殖情况、进食规律和健康状况。




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