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词汇 doll
例句 She wished for a new doll.她想要一个新的洋娃娃。She'll be sticking pins in a voodoo doll of her ex-boyfriend.她要在一个象征她前男友的巫毒娃娃身上插满针。The tiny china doll was exquisitely ornate.那个小巧的瓷娃娃装饰得很细致漂亮。Is your doll anything like mine?你的玩具娃娃同我的多少有点相像吗?It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs.这是一个四肢可以活动的乙烯基塑料玩具娃娃。The little girl looked at the doll and couldn't tear herself away.小女孩看着玩偶娃娃,舍不得离开。The little girl is playing with a doll.小女孩正在玩洋娃娃。The doll is cracked and worn, but it's precious to me because it was my mother's.这个娃娃又破又旧,可对我来说很宝贵,因为它是我妈妈的。The little girl loved a doll to her heart.小女孩把玩具娃娃贴胸搂着。We found Mary in tears because John had broken her doll.我们发现玛丽在哭,因为约翰弄坏了她的玩具娃娃。I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favourite doll.我看见她在卧室里抽泣,因为她弄坏了自己最心爱的娃娃。She had a long cry when her favorite doll broke.她心爱的洋娃娃损坏了,为此她哭了好长一阵子。A small child could choke on the doll's hair.洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.每个布娃娃都是专业人员手工制作出来的。We used to doll ourselves up and go into town.我们过去经常着意打扮一番然后去城里逛。Here's another doll to add to your collection.这儿又有一个玩具娃娃可以加入到你的收藏中。She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.她抓起玩具娃娃,用力往石墙上扔去。Her favourite toy was a rag doll.她心爱的玩具是一个布娃娃。The doll-like figures in these stories are unlike anybody, let alone oneself.这些故事中的玩偶形象跟谁都不像,更不用说像自己了。Vichy had pulled the arm off her doll.维基把玩具娃娃的一只胳膊扯掉了。My father made me a doll.我父亲给我做了个玩具娃娃。Kitty deviled her mother for a doll.基蒂缠著她妈妈要个洋娃娃。The girl disported with the new doll in great glee.女孩玩新玩偶玩得来劲。The little girl spoke to her doll in tender accents.那小女孩用温柔的声调和她的玩具娃娃讲话。The fashion model looked unreal, like a doll.这名时装模特看上去不像是真人,像个洋娃娃。I'm not going to doll myself up just to go shopping.我不会就为了去趟商店而特意打扮一番。The child was in ecstasy over her new doll.女孩有了个新玩具娃娃兴奋极了。She seized the doll and dashed it against the wall.她抓起这个玩偶猛地向墙上摔去。Thanks for the help. You're a doll. 谢谢你的帮助。你真是个好人。The doll's house comes in kit form.这个玩偶房是用配套元件拼装成的。With a few snips she cut out a paper doll.她在纸上嚓嚓几刀就剪出一个娃娃。She lifted the lid of the box to reveal a life-size porcelain baby doll.她掀开盒子的盖,露出了一个真人大小的瓷娃娃。Cindy was playing with the doll when its leg fell off.辛迪在玩布娃娃时,布娃娃的腿掉了下来。I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.我只是感叹娃娃屋顶制作之精致——就连食品罐头上都还贴着标签呢。You don't need to doll yourself up. It's only my sister who's coming to dinner.你不必打扮,只是我姐姐来吃晚饭。The building looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling.这幢大楼看起来更像洋娃娃的房子而不是住人的地方。She likes to cuddle her doll.她喜欢抚抱她的洋娃娃。The dog chewed the doll's eyes off.那只狗把布娃娃的眼睛咬掉了。She was still wide awake. Maybe she should take another doll.她还是全无睡意,也许该再吃一粒安眠药。I bought some miniature furniture for my niece's doll's house.我为侄女的玩具屋买了一些微型家具模型。




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