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词汇 do it
例句 Would you please do it one more time? 可以请你再做一次吗?I'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course. But the thing is, I don't know whether I want to do it any more.我要弄到开设言语治疗课程的经费了。但问题是,我不知道自己是否还想做下去。You must find time to do it.你必须挤出时间去做这件事。You don't have to do it perfectly. Just do it the best you can.你无须做到完美,尽力而为即可。I tried my best/hardest , but I just couldn't do it.我尽了最大的努力,但实在做不了。I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it.我没有办法得到情报,但是我宁愿他去做。I truly believe they can do it.我确信他们能够做这件事。Whatever you want to chat about, we'll do it tonight.不管你想聊些什么,我们今晚聊个够。I promise to never ever do it again.我发誓再也不去做那种事了。I've already put myself on the line for you once, and I'm not going to do it again.我已经为你冒过一次险,再也不想有第二次了。She tried to swear off chocolate, but she couldn't do it.她想再也不吃巧克力了,却做不到。He'll never do it – he's got no spine.他决不会做的,他没骨气。Don't be so wet!Of course you can do it.别那么窝囊! 这事你完全能做。It's highly irregular, but I'll do it.这非常不合规范,但是我会去做的。The recycling programme is laudable, but does it save much money?这项回收计划值得称道,不过它能节省许多资金吗?Don't worry. I've driven to the Bronx so many times, I could do it standing on my head.别担心,我已开车去过布朗克斯多次,就是闭着眼睛我都能找到那个地方。You can mock me as much as you like, but I'm going to do it anyway.你怎么嘲讽我都行,但这件事我做定了。Children who stay away from school do it for different reasons.孩子逃学有各种原因。By the way, how much does it cost to use the swimming pool?顺便问一下,使用游泳池要多少钱?How much does it cost an employer to provide daycare facilities?一个雇主为员工提供日托设施需要花多少钱?If she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.如果有机会重头来过,她会雇一个新闻秘书。Why does it always have to rain on the weekend?为什么一到周末就下雨呢?Okay, smarty-pants, you tell me how to do it. 好吧,自作聪明的家伙,那你告诉我怎么做呀。It would defeat the object of the exercise if we paid someone to do it for us.花钱找人替我们做练习会有悖于练习的宗旨。Don't worry if you can't do it at first-it takes practice!开始时做不到不要担心 - 这需要练习!I'm quite happy in my job but that's not to say I'm going to do it for the rest of my life.我对自己的工作很满意,但这并不是说我就准备干它一辈子。It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.这是个苦差事,但总得有人做。I should be able to find time to do it tomorrow.我明天应该可以找出时间做这事。If you have even the slightest doubt, then don't do it.如果你有一丁点疑问,那就别做了。You do it at your peril!你做这件事得自己担风险! You can do it at your convenience.你可以在方便的时候做。If you asked him he would do it.如果你要求,他会照办的。When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.老师布置家庭作业时,学生们通常都觉得必须完成。They took a vote and decided not to do it.他们进行了表决,决定放弃。Try to break down the calculation and get the students to do it in stages.要把计算分成几个步骤,让学生分步做。The coach made us do it again and again till we got it right.教练让我们再三地练习,直到做对为止。I'm fully booked up, I couldn't possibly do it now.我现在忙得很,不可能腾出手做这个。Anyone who swims in this part of the river does it at their own risk.在此河段游泳者后果自负。I've driven there so many times, I could do it in my sleep.我开车到过那里这么多次,我闭上眼睛都可以开到那里。Never mind, I'll do it myself.没关系,我自己来做。




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