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词汇 doing
例句 Each nation has its own peculiarities when it comes to doing business.谈到做生意,各国都有其独特之处。The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.该公司的雇员做任何事都励行节约。The company was losing money, but all of the playacting had people believing that it was doing well.公司在亏损,但是所有装出来的样子让人们相信公司仍然运作良好。If you're capable of doing the job, your age is of no importance.如果你能胜任此项工作,你的年龄就无所谓了。I'd think twice about/before doing that if I were you.如果我是你,做那件事我会三思而行。They were doing the same jobs as the men, but being paid less.她们做的是和男人一样的工作,可是拿的钱却比他们少。The whole conference was totally disorganized - nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.整个会议毫无计划性——没有人知道该干什么。I can't bear doing this. = I can't bear to do this.这么做我可受不了。She is always out and about, doing one thing or another.她总是到处跑,忙这忙那的。He's doing pure maths.他正在研究纯理论数学。He's doing better than I am.他现在混得比我好。The economic downturn has dulled their appetite for doing deals.经济下滑打击了他们做交易的欲望。I judge she knew what she was doing.依我看,她当时完全明白自己在干些什么。I'm afraid the business is doing badly – profits are right down.很遗憾,生意做得很不好,利润降得很低。The surprise party was not all our doing; we had lots of help.这个惊喜派对不光是我们的功劳;我们得到了许多帮助。He earns his living doing all kinds of things.为了谋生他什么都做。He was doing it all by himself.他独自一人在做那件事。I got a hell of a talking-to for not doing my homework.我因未做家庭作业而被狠狠骂了一顿。The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment.全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。I'll be down in a minute, I'm just doing my hair.我正在弄头发,一会儿就下去。He has a funny way of doing things.他有一套很有意思的做事方式。I don't like doing the shopping on Saturday afternoon because it cuts into my weekend.我不喜欢在周六下午购物,因为这会占用我周末的大块时间。I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。All dogs are capable of doing harm to human beings.只要是狗就可能会咬人。She still enjoys doing needlework.她仍然喜欢做针线活。She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.她在为考试进行最后的复习。He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.他本应该清楚自己下级们的所作所为。It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here.很有必要搞清乔姆斯基在这儿干什么。Well, that's one way of doing it, but there are other and better ways.不错,那是做这件事的一种方法,不过还有别的更好的方法。I'm quite happy doing what I'm doing.我对现在自己所做的很满意。She didn't always think carefully about what she was doing.她对自己在做的事情并不总是考虑得很清楚。The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.政府声称正尽其所能根治腐败。They were keenly interested in how well I was doing.他们极其想知道我过得怎么样。He is studying law and in that regard he is doing very well. 他正在学习法律,而且在这方面表现非常出色。She's doing all right – she's got a job with Microsoft.她干得不错,在微软公司工作。He is accustomed to doing what he wants to do. 他习惯于想做什么就做什么。Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing.莱蒂混了一上午,什么也没干。To keep her from getting the jitters, I pretended to know what I was doing.为了不让她紧张,我装出一副胸有成竹的样子。The paper claims to provide proof that some drug lords are doing business from their jail cells.这份报纸称他们可以提供一些大毒枭在监狱牢房里遥控生意的证据。They want to know how you're doing. 他们想知道你过得怎么样。




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