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Sometimes they had nothing to do in the office and just sat twiddling their thumbs.有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐著无聊地打发时间。A friend of his is having a do in Stoke.他的一位朋友正在斯托克举办宴会。What I try to do in putting these pictures up here is to show how varied children are in solving the problem.我把这些图片挂在这儿的目的是想展示一下孩子们解决这个问题的方法是多么千差万别。It's not within our jurisdiction to tell people what to do in the privacy of their own homes.我们无权管辖人们在家私下该干些什么。She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might want to do in the future, but nothing definite.她对自己将来要做什么有些模糊的想法,但都不确定。What they seem to want to do in fact is fossilize the particular environment in which people live and work.他们似乎想要做的实际上就是让人们生活和工作的环境固定不变。He has nothing to do in his spare time.他空闲时间无事可做。Robbie did what any other sane person would do in this situation.罗比做了任何有理智的人在这种情况下都会做的事。Let's just sit tight and see what the market does in the next week or two.咱们不妨坐下来静观市场在今后一两个星期内会有什么变化。What I'm going to do in this lecture is focus on something very specific.我在今天的讲座中将主要探讨一些非常具体的问题。A detailed list of instructions was issued on what to do in an emergency.关于应对紧急情况的详细指示表已经发布了。I don't care about what you do in the privacy of your own home. 我不在意你在自己家的私人空间里做什么。What did your father do in the war?在战争中你父亲做什么?What do you usually do in your leisure time?你通常在空闲时间做些什么? We had nothing else to do in the evenings.我们晚上没有其他事情可做。The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets.事实上,这个党派的残余分子确实仍然拥有可观的资产。What would you do in my situation?像我这种情况,你会怎么做?I don't even want to hazard a guess at how well Scotland will do in the World Cup.苏格兰队在世界杯赛中表现会如何,我连猜也不想猜。There's nothing to do in this town except mooching around the streets; no wonder young people get into trouble.在这座城市除了逛大街以外没事可干;难怪年轻人要出乱子。Much of what we do in daily life is done by habit.我们日常生活中做的事许多都是出于习惯。Its message is that what a man does in this life has a bearing on what happens to him hereafter.它所传达的观点是:一个人今世的所作所为将对他的来世产生影响。A friend of mine's having a bit of a do in town tomorrow night.我的一个朋友明晚在镇上要举行晚会。Rachel already knows as many words in German as she does in English.雷切尔掌握的德语词汇已经和她掌握的英语词汇一样多了。What can I do in return for your kindness?我怎么才能报答你的好意呢? What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。The new computer program allows us to do in seconds what would otherwise take us days to accomplish.这个新的计算机程序可以帮助我们在几秒钟内完成以前要花几天时间才能做完的事情。There's plenty to see and do in the city.在这个城市里有很多可玩可看的。How did you do in your exams?你考试考得如何?We've painted the kitchen and the living room, but there's a lot to do in the other rooms.我们已经漆完了厨房和起居室,但其他房间还有不少活要干。The actor looks taller on TV than he does in real life.这位演员在电视上看起来比他在现实生活中要高。How many errands did you do in the trip?你这次出行完成几项任务? The staff need to know what to do in an emergency.员工需要了解遇到紧急情况要做些什么。I drew up a list of all the jobs I had to do in the house.我把我要做的所有家务列了一张清单。In the real world things don't always happen like they do in books.在现实世界中,事情的发生并不总是像书中描写的那样。I wouldn't have the first idea about what to do in that situation.我若遇此情形就会无所适从。I knew what I could do in the minor leagues, I just wanted a chance to prove myself in the majors.我知道自己在职业棒球小联合会中实力如何,我只是想有个机会能在职业棒球大联盟中证明一下自己。Their future depends on how well they do in these exams.他们的未来取决于他们在这些考试中取得的分数。He really needs something to do in his spare time to keep him out of trouble.空闲时他确实要有些事做以免闹出麻烦事。I need to know what to do in an emergency.我要知道在紧急情况下该做什么。What I do in my free time is my affair.我在空余时间里做什么是我自己的事。 |