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例句 Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?我真的非得把所有那些废旧杂物弄到地下室去吗?She was grateful to George for all that he had done.她感激乔治所做的一切。I still really ache from all that running yesterday.昨天跑了那么久的步,我到现在还浑身疼痛。He maintains a sense of optimism, despite all that has happened.尽管发生了这一切,他仍保持着乐观的态度。You should rest your eyes after all that reading.看了那么长时间的书,你应该让眼睛歇歇了。I'm fed up with work, meetings, and all that jazz.我对工作、开会等诸如此类的东西感到厌烦。It's a real bind having to go all that way by train.一路都要乘火车,真烦人。You're lucky to live near a library and have all that information on tap.你住在图书馆附近,有那么多的资料随时可供你利用,真是幸运。Moving all that furniture did a job on my back.搬动那么些家具,使我背部受了伤。He handed over all that money without blinking an eye.他眼也不眨一下就把那笔钱全部交了出来。The movie wasn't all that bad.这部电影没那么差。You don't believe in horoscopes and all that mumbo jumbo, do you?你不相信占星术和那套鬼话,是吧?We will discuss all that at the proper time.我们将在合适的时候讨论这一切。He was a kind man, under all that roughness.他表面看起来粗暴无礼,其实是一个好人。When I was a kid. I was crazy about judo, karate, kung fu, and all that.我小时候非常喜欢柔道、空手道、功夫之类的东西。In your grandmother's day, all that kind of work would have been done by hand.你奶奶还活着的时候,那种活儿都是手工完成的。While I didn't know him all that well when we were students, I do remember him as a brilliant musician.虽然学生时代我和他没那么熟,但我的确记得他在音乐方面很有才华。She has never benefited from all that experience.她从未得益于那个经验教训。How did you get through all that money in two days?你怎么两天就把所有的钱都花完了?He says he bought all that chocolate for his daughter, not himself. A likely story!他说巧克力都是给女儿买的,不是给自己买的。鬼才信呢!I'm going home to visit my family and all that jazz.我要回家去见见家人什么的。She sacrificed many nights to study for the exam, but for all that she still failed.她用了很多个晚上复习备考,但尽管如此,还是没有及格。Doing all that while injured isn't exactly easy.受了伤还要一直那样做谈何容易。We need to get rid of all that shit in the basement.我们得把地下室的垃圾全部清理出去。Of course, there is a genuine product inside all that marketing fluff.当然,整场可有可无的营销活动中有一个实实在在的产品。My stomach's a bit unsettled after all that rich food.吃了那么多油腻食物之后,我的胃有点儿不舒服。If you eat all that chocolate it'll make you sick.如果你把那些巧克力都吃了,你会恶心的。I felt really guilty after spending all that money.花完了那些钱之后,我心里十分内疚。It would be unreasonable to expect them to do all that work for free.期待他们不要报酬完成所有那些工作是不合情理的。The child 's fingers were peppered with thorn pricks from all that blackberry-picking.摘完黑莓之后,那个孩子的手指上留下了密密麻麻的刺点。It's only stupid people who believe in all that astrology mumbo-jumbo.只有傻瓜才会相信占星术的那一套胡说八道。Solar energy is not all that complicated.太阳能并不那么复杂。I've exhausted myself with all that cleaning.打扫卫生累得我精疲力尽。Take a long walk to release all that pent-up aggression.出去多散散步以消除郁积的好斗情绪。The invading troops plundered the town of all that fell in their way.入侵军队见东西就抢,把全城洗劫一空。She's not all that intelligent.她还没那么聪明。She's walked me off my feet with all that shopping.跟她一起逛街购物累得我筋疲力尽。She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage.她依然背负着第一次婚姻留下的感情包袱。I felt pretty unsettled all that week.那个星期我一直惴惴不安。What's all that tack lying in the corner?那角落里乱七八糟的一堆是什么东西?




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