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Many struggling firms are ready to break the law by dodging tax.很多挣扎求生的企业不惜违法逃税。He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.他炫耀自己通过装病来逃避服兵役。He should stop dodging/avoiding the issue and make a decision now.他不应该再躲避/回避问题,现在做出决定。I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic.我避开车流穿过了公路。She accused him of dodging his responsibilities as a parent.她指责他逃避做父亲的责任。For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.对于战地记者来说,躲避狙击手的子弹是家常便饭。We had to run across some open ground, dodging the bullets.我们只得跑过一片空地躲开子弹。She felt foolish hurrying along beside him, dodging the pedestrians.她觉得和他一起边躲避行人边向前赶路是件很傻的事。The Minister was her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters' questions about her possible resignation.部长还是保持她顾左右而言他的一贯风格,当记者问及她是否可能辞职时,她驾轻就熟地避而不答。He ran off, dodging to escape more blows.他跑开了,以躲开更多的攻击。He is dodging the question, refusing to answer.他对问题避而不谈,拒绝回答。 |