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词汇 dodge
例句 This was not just a tax dodge.这不仅仅是逃税。The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes.副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。It was just another dodge to get out of working.这只不过是逃避工作的又一个伎俩。The car made a quick dodge up a side road to avoid the police.汽车急急闪入岔路避开警察。He tried to dodge the reporters' queries.他试图躲闪记者的询问。He gave the Porsche to his mother as a tax dodge.他把那辆保时捷给了母亲以逃税。Shoppers had to dodge flying glass when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时购物的人们不得不躲闪四处横飞的玻璃碎片。They get smart accountants to help them dodge taxes.他们请精明的会计来帮助他们逃税。They caught him trying to dodge bus fares.他坐公共汽车时逃票被他们抓住。He tried to dodge the question.他企图回避这个问题。He used quick footwork to dodge his opponent.他快速挪动步伐躲避对手。Joseph sprinted away to dodge the volley of gunfire.约瑟夫飞奔着躲避那枪林弹雨。They managed to dodge the reporters by leaving through the back exit.他们从后门离开,成功地避开了记者。He keeps his money overseas as a tax dodge.为了逃税他想了个花招,把钱存在海外。Many young men tried to dodge the draft by leaving the country.许多年轻人移居国外,试图逃避兵役。During the Vietnam war, he moved to Canada to dodge the draft.越战期间,他移居加拿大以逃避征兵。




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