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词汇 documentation
例句 Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.由于案件卷宗全部丢失致使进一步的调查受阻。The government refused to naturalize them without documentation.由于没有相关证明,政府拒绝让他们加入国籍。The insurance company claims that he failed to provide the relevant documentation.保险公司声称他未能提供相关的文件证据。Can you provide documentation of the claims you're making?你能提供你的索赔要求的凭证吗?His story was supported by documentation.他的陈述得到了所提供文件的证实。Passengers must carry proper documentation.旅客必须携带有效证件。You can't make a statement like that without any supporting documentation.在没有任何证明文件的情况下,你不能那样妄作论断。It took ages to put together the documentation needed to get into the country - what a business!花了好长时间才将入境所需的文件整理好——真是件麻烦事!Can you produce documentation to support your claim?你能提供支持你说法的文件证据吗?Keep your receipts as documentation of your purchases.保管好发票,作为购买凭证。I am sending the software and documentation.我现在寄去软件和使用说明书。As there is no formal documentation of your business partnership, it has no legal status.因没有能证明你是生意合伙人的正式文件,故此它不具备合法地位。The program's documentation is poorly written.这个程序的文件写得很糟糕。Flight times will be forwarded to you with your travel documentation.航班时间会连同旅行文件一起寄给你。Britain's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports.英国的贸易数据现在不能再从各港口的进出口单证中提取了。In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.在第三章,我会介绍我收集到的一些文献记录。To get the most benefit from your training programme, read all the documentation carefully.为了能从培训计划中获得最大的收益,请仔细阅读所有的文件。You cannot visit the country unless you have the proper documentation.除非你有正规的证明文件,否则你不能到这个国家游览。




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