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词汇 divorced
例句 Children always suffer when their parents get divorced.父母离婚孩子总会受苦。Soon after their wedding, almost a year to the day, they got divorced.婚礼后不久,差不多刚好一年,他们就离婚了。His second marriage was annulled because he never divorced his first wife.他的第二次婚姻被判无效,因为他从未与第一任妻子离婚。Shelley is divorced and lives alone.谢利离婚了,一个人过日子。I am absolutely furious that he divorced me to marry her.他为了娶她而和我离婚,我愤怒至极。When they got divorced, his wife squeezed him dry and took everything.他们离婚时,他妻子拿走了所有的东西,把他榨干了。Our society has divorced itself from religion.我们的社会已经脱离了宗教。They divorced during a time when that was barely thinkable.在那个离婚几乎是不可想象的年代里,他们离了婚。Anne is divorced from Simon's father.安妮和西蒙的父亲离婚了。I was recently divorced and feeling at a very low ebb.我刚离了婚,情绪非常低落。My parents divorced when I was very young.我很小的时候父母就离婚了。It says in the paper that they're getting divorced.报纸上说他们要离婚了。Politics should not be divorced from the lives of ordinary people.政治不应该脱离普通老百姓的生活。The neighborhood busybody is telling everyone that the couple up the street is getting divorced.街坊里的包打听逢人就说住在街道那头的夫妻俩要离婚。Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon.玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.似乎没有人对离异公主的再婚感到丝毫惊讶。The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.该教会的法规禁止离婚者再婚。I heard they had gotten divorced.我听说他们已经离婚了。In a public statement, Jackson and his wife announced their intention to get divorced.在一份公开声明中,杰克逊与妻子宣布他们打算离婚。When they divorced she retained a legal interest in the property.他们离婚时,她保留了房屋的合法产权。He was very generous to her when they divorced, and let her keep the house and the car.他们离婚时,他对她十分慷慨,把房子和汽车都留给了她。I hear they got married. That's old hat, they're almost divorced!我听说他们结婚了。那是陈年旧事了,他们都要离婚了!He is divorced, with a young son.他离婚了,带着一个年幼的儿子。Most of the divorced parents we interviewed said they had experienced guilt and a profound sense of failure.我们采访的大多数离了婚的家长都说他们感到内疚和强烈的挫败感。He was caught in the middle of his parents' divorce. = He was caught in the middle when his parents got divorced.他身陷父母离婚的痛苦之中。We're not divorced, but we've been separated for six months.我们没离婚,但我们已分居六个月了。The divorced woman is the talk of the street.那个离了婚的女子成了街头巷尾的话题。The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后就开始变得一团糟。My brother's getting divorced so I'm going home for a family powwow this weekend.我哥哥要离婚了,因此本周末我要回家参加家庭会议。Good management cannot be divorced from accountability.良好的管理与问责制是分不开的。They divorced due to temperamental differences.他们由于性格不合离了婚。He and Lillian had got divorced.他和莉莲已离婚了。She and her husband drifted apart and, eventually, they divorced.她和她丈夫渐行渐远,最后他们离婚了。She is now divorced and, in her usual resourceful way, has started her own business.如今她离了婚。一贯足智多谋的她已开始自己创业。When her parents divorced, Mary Ann opted to live with her father.父母离婚时,玛丽·安选择与父亲一同生活。They separated several years ago, but they're not divorced.他们几年前就分居了,但没有离婚。Before getting divorced, you should think carefully about the effect it will have on the children.离婚前,你应该慎重地考虑一下这将会给孩子们带来什么样的影响。Our older daughter is divorced.我们的大女儿离婚了。This just shows how divorced from reality she's become.这恰恰说明了她变得多么不切实际。Well, the long and the short of it is that they got divorced last year.唔,总之,他们去年离了婚。




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