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词汇 divided
例句 The restaurant was divided up by glass partitions.这家餐馆用玻璃隔断分隔开。In a democracy, power must be divided.在民主政体中,权力必须分制。Only a thin curtain divided her cabin from his.她和他的隔间仅用一条薄薄的帘子隔开。This issue has bitterly divided the community.这个问题造成社会严重分化。Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.牧师和平信徒一样都有观点分歧。The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners.泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。They stand divided on this issue.他们对这个问题意见不一。The meat is divided up among all those present at the kill.肉在猎杀现场的人之间分配。This book is divided into two distinct parts.这本书分为内容不同的两个部分。I was spacing out the seedlings into divided trays.我正在把那些小嫩苗分装进有分格的盘子里。The committee was divided over the proposal.委员会在这一提议上意见有分歧。The track divided into two and narrowed.小道分成两条并且变窄了。The class was divided into four teams, and each group was asked to pick a leader.这个班被分成四组,每组要选出一名组长。The robbers divided up their spoils.强盗们把赃物分了。The pirates divided the spoils among themselves.海盗们瓜分了赃物。The ruling class was divided by internal conflicts.统治阶级由于内部冲突而分裂。The divorce divided the family.离婚使这个家庭破裂。The war has created divided loyalties in many families, setting brother against brother and father against son.战争使许多家庭立场分化,兄弟反目,父子成仇。We divided the money in half.我们把钱平分了。A father's property was divided among his heirs.父亲的财产在继承人之间分配。The committee members divided on the new proposal.委员们对这新提议有意见分歧。He divided the loaf in half.他把面包分成两半。They divided up the country into four regions.他们将国家分成了四个区。He divided the country among his sons.他把王国分给了几个儿子。Tom divided his money between his children.汤姆把他的钱分给自己的几个子女。The issue of the single currency has divided the country.这个国家在发行单一货币问题上意见不一。The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.破碎的家庭仍旧是一个继续分崩离析的社会的有力象征。We are divided as to where to spend our holidays.关于去哪里度假的问题我们意见有分歧。They divided the money in even shares.他们把钱分成相等的几份。The books in the library are divided into fiction and non-fiction.该图书馆内的藏书分成小说类和非小说类。She divided the pie into six equal portions.她把馅饼分成了六等份。His study is divided from the living-room by a thin wooden partition.他的书房是用薄壁板从起居室分隔而成的。She feels like she only gets her mother's divided attention.她觉得自己只得到了母亲的部分关注。The robbers divided the swag.强盗们分割了赃物。The fashion police were divided on whether her dress looked "spectacular" or "disastrous". 关于她穿的礼物时尚警察们的意见分成两派,有的认为是“豪华富丽”,有的却认为是“糟糕透顶”。Exactly how the land is to be divided up is the main sticking point of the peace talks.土地究竟该如何分割是和谈的主要分歧点。His estate was divided between his four grandchildren.他的遗产在四个孙辈间进行分配。The children are divided into groups according to their reading ability.这些孩子按阅读能力进行分组。The clerical regime is more divided than ever before.这个神职政权比以往任何时候都更分裂。The two groups divided along ideological lines.两个团体在意识形态路线上存在分歧。




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