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词汇 all right
例句 The pilot pranged up the plane, but he was all right.飞行员使飞机坠毁,他却安然无恙。I'd rather stay in this evening, if that's all right with you.要是你没问题的话,今晚我宁可待在家里。Are you sure you'll be all right on your own?你确定你自己一个人不会有什么事吗?The work is jogging along all right.工作按部就班地进行着。I told her not to worry, that Josh was strong and would be all right.我告诉她不要担心,乔希身板很壮,不会有事的。Kate looks really unhappy – I'd better make sure she's all right.凯特看上去很不高兴,我最好去看看她是不是有事。When they'd been kilned, of course, they were all right.当然,这些东西在窑里烘干后,就算完成了。He's an all right guy.他是个很不错的人。She seems all right but I think she's just putting on a brave face.她似乎没什么,但我怀疑她只是假装不在乎。He seems to think I can wave a magic wand and everything will be all right.他似乎认为我只要挥一挥魔杖,一切就都会解决了。The game was all right, but it wasn't worth what I paid to watch it.比赛还算过得去,但以我付的票价来讲,还是不太值得。Be cool. Everything will be all right.冷静一点,一切都会没问题的。The milk looked all right, but when I tasted it, it was horrible.这牛奶看上去可以,可是我尝了一尝,味道非常糟糕。He stopped to ask me if I was all right.他停下来问我是否身体不适。The company is doing all right, but they haven't exactly set the world on fire.公司目前一切顺利,但还算不上大获成功。I can't leave her unless I know she's all right.除非我知道她没事, 否则我不能离开她。All right, all right, I'll come! Just stop begging.好了好了,我过来!你别乞求了。The play turned out all right on the night.这出戏初次上演就获成功。He just wants a comforting kiss and a cuddle and he'll be all right.他只想要别人安慰性地吻他一下、抱他一下,这样他就会好起来。Her first movie was pretty bad but her second one was all right.她的首部电影很糟糕,但她的第二部电影还不错。The trainees checked out all right.受训人员全部合格。At one point the doctor thought her kidney was packing up,but she's all right till now.有一阵子大夫认为她的一个肾有毛病,但直到现在她也没事儿。You can tell just by looking at me that I am all right.你只用看看我就知道我很好了。The motel is comfortable but pretty basic: you get the necessities all right, but no luxuries.这个汽车旅馆舒适不过只有基本设施:必需的东西都有,但没有可供享受的东西。It's all right, I don't need a calculator. I can work it out in my head.没关系,我不需要计算器,我能心算出来。It's all right for some. I've got to stay in and work this evening.有些人就是命好,而我今天晚上却必须留下来工作。You can work at home? That's all right, isn't it?你可以在家工作?那真是太棒了,是不是?The data exists all right - the difficulty is in gaining access to it.资料确实是有的——难就难在怎样去获得它。Her mum's really strict, but her dad's all right.她妈妈很严厉,但她爸爸还好。Up to now, everything is all right. More power to your elbow!到目前为止,一切都很好。加油做吧! They shouldn't worry so much. Everything will be all right.他们不必这么担心,一切都会好的。Her decision is all right with him.在她眼里,他还是不错的。His designs are all right, but he lacks artistic flair.他的设计还行,不过缺乏艺术天分。Don't worry. Everything will be all right.别担心。一切都会好的。He knows his onions, all right.他很专业,真的。Great, all right, to be earning your own dough.好啊,行啊,你要自己挣钱了。Don't worry, old chap, it'll be all right.别担心,老伙计,会好起来的。He's attractive all right, but he's not that bright.他的确有吸引力,不过他不是那么聪明。The meeting went off all right.会议进行得十分顺利。The food was all right, I suppose, but I've had better.我觉得味道还可以,但我尝过更好吃的。




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