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词汇 District
例句 The District Attorney argued that Johnson has a violent streak and is a danger to society.地方检察官辩称,约翰逊有暴力倾向,对社会有危害。We've finally fixed on the Lake District for our summer holiday.我们最后决定在湖区度暑假。Dawson was earmarked as Reiner's successor as District Attorney.道森被指定为地区检察官赖纳的接班人。The Fifth Congressional District seat was uncontested. 第五选区的国会议员席位只有一人参选。Nestling between the rugged hills of the Lake District is a whitewashed house.在湖区起伏小山的掩映下,有一间白石灰水粉刷的房子。The Peak District is good walking country.皮克区是散步的好场所。In his District Court plaint, Mr Hale accused the company of negligence.在递交给地方法院的诉状中,黑尔先生指控公司犯有过失。Local people demanded that the District Magistrate apprehend the miscreants.当地人要求地方法官逮捕那些歹徒。He served as a law clerk for the chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit.他为哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉庭首席法官担任书记员。We went on a trip to the Lake District.我们去湖区旅游了。The District Officers were uncompromising in their opposition to the proposals of the wildlife conservationists.该地区的官员坚决反对野生生物保护人士提出的建议。The District Council made a weekly collection of refuse.区自治会举办了为期一周的废弃物品收集活动。Clement was unanimously confirmed to serve on the District Court.克莱门特全票获准任职地方法院。The Lake District begins just north of Kendal.湖区始于肯德尔北部。He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.他是伊利诺伊州国会选区的议员。




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