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词汇 distributed
例句 Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.已经向难民分发了衣服和毯子。Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.数吨国际社会捐赠的食品被分给了这些饥饿的农民。The food was distributed among the people.食物分发给了那些人。These cells are widely distributed throughout the body.这些细胞在人体内分布广泛。The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.市长命令发放免费食品。Medical supplies have been distributed among families affected by the epidemic.医药用品已经分发给受传染病影响的家庭。They distributed themselves about the house.他们分散在房子的各个地方。Profits are evenly distributed among the directors at the end of the year.利润在年底时平均分配给董事们。DVDs of his movies are distributed by this company.他的电影的数字影碟由这家公司发售。The seed pod suddenly snaps apart, throwing the spores into the air to be distributed by the wind.心皮突然爆开,将孢子抛到空中,再由风将它们撒布开去。The profits are evenly distributed between them.他们平均分配利润。The plant is widely distributed throughout the world. 这种植物广泛地分布于世界各地。Aid is being distributed to people in need.援助物资正在分发给需要的人。The work for the project gets distributed among the editors.这个项目的工作分配给了各位编辑。Stand straight with your weight distributed evenly, your stomach and bottom held in and your shoulders back.站直,保持重心居中,收腹提臀,肩膀打开。I weighed the portions out and distributed them.我称出多份并分发出去。The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.老师把学生分成三组。DRM can ensure that programs distributed by internet are legal copies for which the copyright holder is being paid a fee.数字版权管理系统能保证通过互联网传送的程序为合法版本,版权持有人会因此获得付费。The money will be distributed equally among the winners.钱将均分给每个获胜者。Wealth is not evenly distributed between age groups.各个年龄段财富分布不均。The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.人口分布很不均匀。Viruses are often distributed via email.病毒经常通过电子邮件扩散。A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately.已将大量食物配送并直接出售了。Profits are distributed to shareholders/stockholders as dividends.利润作为红利分给了股东。Authority was distributed among hundreds of petty leaders.职权由数百名小头头分掌。They had distributed the lands among the peasants.他们把土地分给农民。The cheese is imported and distributed exclusively by Norland Inc.该奶酪由诺兰有限公司独家进口及销售。Monitors ensured that the food was distributed fairly.监督员保证食物公平分发。A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately without ever reaching the shops.很多食物都是通过私人渠道直接配送和销售,根本没有进过商店。In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends.大部分家具在搬家的时候都留给了邻居或送了朋友。The money was distributed evenly.那笔钱被均分了。We distributed the money equally among the team members.我们把钱均等地分给队员。It's thought that the pornographic films are being distributed by an international vice ring.据认为那些色情电影是由一个国际犯罪团伙分销出去的。Milk is distributed to the local shops by Herald's Dairies.牛奶是由赫勒尔德乳品公司供应给当地商店的。Her job is to make sure that the money is distributed fairly.她的工作就是要确保这笔钱得到公平分配。Wealth is not evenly distributed.财富分配不均。Instead of being distributed, the food was unloaded and stored away in a warehouse.食物没有分发,卸下车后就储藏在一个仓库内。The furniture was distributed among her children.那些家具分给了她的孩子们。Make sure the paint is distributed evenly over the surface area.要确保漆均匀地涂在表层部位。Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。




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