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词汇 distinguish
例句 With paintings it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the genuine article from a good reproduction.绘画这东西有时很难辨别真品和高超的复制品。Their voices are hard to distinguish. 他们的嗓音很难辨别。I can distinguish them by their uniforms.我能根据他们穿的制服辨认他们。You can't distinguish the detail from this distance.从这个距离你没法看清楚细节。The two sisters are so alike that people can hardly distinguish one from the other.那两姊妹非常相像,人们很难把她俩区分开来。They look so similar it's often difficult to distinguish one from the other.它们看上去这么相似,常常很难区分开来。Colour-blind people can't distinguish between red and green.色盲的人不能分辨红色和绿色。The room was too dimly lit for me to distinguish anything clearly.房间里灯光太暗,我什么都看不清楚。He could distinguish the sound of voices.他能辨认出说话的声音。Young children sometimes can't distinguish between fantasy and reality.小孩子有时不能区分幻想与现实。The viewer was unable to distinguish reality from simulation.旁观者无法辨别事实真伪。You should be able to distinguish fact from fantasy.你应该能区分现实和幻想。A tiny baby soon learns to distinguish its mother's face from other adults’ faces.幼婴很快就学会把母亲的脸与其他大人的脸区分开来。In blind trials, users who were given both drugs orally were unable to distinguish between the effects of heroin and methadone.在盲测过程中,口服海洛因和美沙酮这两种药物的人分辨不出两者的效果。It is sometimes difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in the book.有时很难区分书中的事实和虚构成分。It was just possible to distinguish the darkened village below.下面黑糊糊的村子依稀可辨。Even a expert would find it hard to distinguish between the original painting and the copy.甚至专家也难以辨认出原画作与仿制品。Troops cannot always reliably distinguish between combatants and civilians.军队并不总能准确地区分作战人员和平民百姓。We distinguish sounds into high and low, soft and harsh, lively and grave.我们把声音分成高与低、柔和与刺耳、轻快与低沉。I could not distinguish her face in the darkness.我在黑暗中看不清她的脸。At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.这个年龄的儿童还不能分辨有生命和无生命的物体。The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention.最根本的问题在于他们无法分清现实和虚构。I took great pains to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.我花了大力气学习辨别自然珍珠与人工养殖的珍珠。You're old enough to distinguish between fact and fantasy.你够大了,该能区分现实和幻想了。How do you distinguish between various species of deer?你怎样区别各种类别的鹿? It is necessary to distinguish the policies of two successive governments.分清前后两届政府的政策很有必要。Many color-blind people cannot distinguish between red and green.许多色盲的人无法区分红色和绿色。He was called Smith Minor to distinguish him from the other Smiths.人们称他小史密斯,以便与其他叫史密斯的人相区别。It's getting more and more difficult to distinguish fake diamonds from real ones.现在真假钻石越来越难区分了。She could not distinguish one child from another.她无法把这两个孩子区分开。It is difficult to distinguish anything in the dark.在黑暗中很难看清东西。You are confusing things, let us distinguish.你在混淆事情,让我们把它们分分清吧。I would be sore pressed to be able to distinguish the two.我很难将这两者区分开来。It is often difficult to distinguish clearly between fact and fiction in this book.读这本书经常很难分辨其中的真实和虚构内容。It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong.明辨是非当然要紧。He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction.他能区别真正的古董与复制品。Her actions show an inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.她的所为表明她无法区分虚幻和现实。I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps.我能根据室友的脚步声辨认出他们。Even experts were not able to distinguish infallibly between the two artists’ work.即使是专家也不能准确无误地区分出这两位艺术家的作品。He heard voices but couldn't distinguish the words.他只听见声音但听不清词儿。




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