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词汇 allow me
例句 I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed.我问她是否允许我采访她,她欣然同意了。If you won't let me pay for a taxi, then at least allow me to lend you something.如果你不愿让我付出租车费,至少让我借点什么给你吧。When we were in port, he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore.我们在港口停靠时,他准许我不工作,并允许我上岸。When I was younger, my parents allowed me to go anywhere except the town centre, which was out of bounds.我小时候,除了市中心不许去以外,父母哪儿都让我去。You must allow me to repay your hospitality.你得允许我回报一下你的热情款待。My job doesn't really allow me fully to deploy my skills/talents.我在工作中并不能真正发挥技能/才能。You can't carry all those bags yourself - please, allow me.那些袋子你自己拎不了——我来帮你吧。My pride did not allow me to complain too often.我的自尊心不允许我有太多抱怨。The windfall allowed me to buy a house.这意外之财使我得以购置一幢房子。My computer has a network interface, which allows me to get to other computers.我的计算机有网络接口,可以与其他计算机连在一起。My parents wouldn't allow me to go to the party.父母不许我去参加聚会。After some hesitation he agreed to allow me to write the article.片刻犹豫后,他同意了让我写这篇文章。If you're going to remodel your kitchen, allow me to offer a few suggestions.如果你打算对厨房进行改造,让我给你一些建议吧。My father allowed me only a sip or two of wine with each meal.我父亲每餐只许我喝一两口酒。They wouldn't allow me to smoke.他们不会让我抽烟的。Please allow me to interpose a brief observation.请允许我插入一点儿我的观点。My guest pass allows me to use the club's facilities free of charge.我有贵宾证,可以免费使用该俱乐部的设施。My boss wouldn't allow me to change my schedule.老板不会允许我改变日程安排。Now, if you will allow me, I'll go into the matter briefly.现在,如果你允许,我简要谈一下这件事。Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm John Fetty, the head of business development.请允许我自我介绍一下。我叫约翰·费蒂,贸易开发部的主管。My handsfree cell phone allows me to do this no matter where I am.免提手机使我能够这样去做,不管我在哪里。




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