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词汇 disproportionately
例句 Poor families suffer disproportionately from asthma.贫困家庭患上哮喘病的人数更多。Are black defendants disproportionately likely to be wrongfully convicted?黑人被告被误判有罪的比例更高吗?The poorer cities of the industrial north have disproportionately high rates of child mortality.在北部工业区较为贫穷的城市中,儿童死亡率高得不成比列。Women are disproportionately represented among welfare recipients.接受福利救济的人中女性人数过少。Cartoon characters often have disproportionately big eyes.卡通人物常常有不成比例的大眼睛。These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.这些工作过分集中在服务行业。A disproportionately high number of the students are poor.贫困学生的数量太多。Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart.随着国家愈加富有,医疗保健费用增加的幅度却往往与之不成比例;但即使美国为此作出调整,还是与别国不同。




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