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词汇 allow
例句 The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television.政府将准许他们在广播和电视上做广告。At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.到了晚上,瞳孔会扩大以接收更多光线。Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little.加一点温牛奶,并让它起点儿沫。We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness.我们一定要使他们都坚强起来,不允许有丝毫软弱。The government would not allow anyone to sneak in by the back door and seize power by force.政府不会允许任何人偷偷混进来并用暴力攫取政权。He would not allow her to wed a powerful man.他不会允许她嫁给一个有权势的男人。A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。There was no way he was going to allow her to screw up his plans.他是决不会让她破坏自己的计划的。Don't allow your problems to dominate your life.不要让碰到的问题支配你的生活。Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢抓住岩石。We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.我们一定不能让保守主义成为前进道路上的绊脚石。The system is configured to allow access only to people who know the password.这个系统设定只允许知道密码的人访问。The new equipment will allow us to improve our research.新设备将使我们得以改进研究工作。It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.预计还将考虑通过一项决议,将减少限制使食品迅速通过。Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions.不要让工作中的一点烦心事打击了你的雄心抱负。Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.主人若放任狗在人行道上排便将受处罚。The law doesn't allow him to touch any of the money.法律不允许他动用一分钱。I don't allow the cat in the bedroom.我不允许猫进入卧室。The judge has agreed to allow his appeal.法官已经准许他上诉。The hospital needs to allow more time for outpatient appointments.这家医院需要安排更多时间接待门诊预约病人。The court erred in refusing to allow bail.法院拒绝保释是个错误。Bill slowed his pace to allow her to catch up with him.比尔放慢脚步让她赶上来。He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.他赞成一项允许法官在一些情况下延迟作出离婚判决的法律条款。Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom.我们的目标就是让实习教师熟悉课堂。They don't allow signage around the stadium.他们不允许在体育场周围树立商业标牌。You shouldn't allow him to be disrespectful to you.你不应任他对你无礼。Rupert's father belongs to some fusty old gentleman's club where they don't allow women in.鲁珀特的父亲是某个守旧的老年绅士俱乐部的会员,他们不允许女性加入。Pour water around the base of the plant and allow it to soak in.将水浇在植物的根部,让水渗进去。The manager doesn't allow children in the bar.经理不允许小孩子进酒吧。It is best to allow the rotor to rotate freely.最好让转子自由旋转。It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better.可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。The stool is tall enough to allow of a baby reaching the bed.凳子的高度足以使幼儿爬上床去。The banking will allow you to get nice shots straight out of the window.倾斜飞行可使你直接透过舷窗拍到漂亮的照片。I won't allow them to fell the trees here.我不会允许他们砍倒这里的树的。The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk.医生绝对不能置患者于危险境地而不顾。I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.我认为人们所居住的房子应该能让他们远离残酷的现实生活。It's important that parents should allow their children some independence.父母让子女在一定程度上独立非常重要。The city fathers decided to allow Ramsay to stay open.市政府高级官员决定允许拉姆齐继续营业。He missed her more than he would allow himself to admit.他对她思念之深连他自己也不愿承认。The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections.总统同意修订宪法,允许多党选举。




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