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词汇 disliked
例句 He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.因为傲慢自大,在公司里大家都讨厌他。I've always disliked that feeling of fullness after a large meal.我一直不喜欢大吃一顿之后的那种饱胀感。David disliked anyone who smoked.戴维讨厌所有吸烟的人。He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.他常不招人待见,而且被看作是个自负的大傻帽儿。He was roundly disliked/ignored.他为众人所厌恶/忽视。She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends.她不喜欢他与那帮人交往,也不喜欢他的朋友。Critics disliked his one-note performance as the movie's villain.评论家不喜欢他作为电影反派角色一成不变的表演。His novels were disliked by the literary establishment.他的小说不为文学权威团体所赏识。She now seriously disliked her former friend.她现在非常讨厌这位以前的朋友。Maddie's remarks showed why she is disliked and feared by her fellow workers.马迪的话说明了她的同事为什么不喜欢她、怕她。He simply disliked working with committees and avoided it whenever possible.他非常不喜欢在各类委员会工作,只要可能他就会避免。She disliked Dido but was prepared to tolerate her for a weekend in order to humour her husband.她不喜欢迪多,但准备暂时忍受她一个周末,以迁就自己的丈夫。Will you stop putting words into my mouth – I never said I disliked the job.你不要信口开河 — 我从未说过不喜欢这份工作。Philip thoroughly disliked her.菲利普完全不喜欢她。He is generally disliked because of his forwardness.他由于鲁莽而为大家所讨厌。She disliked the president, whom she once described as an "insufferable bore".她不喜欢总裁,曾经说他是个“令人难以忍受的讨厌家伙”。She disliked his involvement with the group.她不愿让他与这个团体有瓜葛。The company's employees disliked the new chairman's autocratic style.公司员工不喜欢这位新董事长的专横作风。He disliked school in the beginning.起初他不喜欢上学。She disliked sewing intensely.她极不喜欢缝纫。She disliked David's abrupt manner.她不喜欢戴维态度生硬。I disliked her from the very beginning.我从一开始就不喜欢她。We thought that he disliked her, while all the time he was in love with her.我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。I interpreted his behavior as indicating that he disliked me.我认为,他的行为表示他讨厌我。The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.总督察讨厌在细枝末节上没完没了地纠缠。The affair had been conducted with an air of mystery which he disliked.这件事做得神秘兮兮的,他不喜欢这样。Eldridge was a quiet man who disliked social occasions.埃尔德里奇爱静,不喜欢社交活动。It was obvious from the start that my parents disliked Nancy.从一开始就很明显,我父母不喜欢南希。They got off on the wrong foot when they first met and they've disliked each other ever since.他们第一次见面就把关系搞糟了,自那以后就彼此厌恶。She disliked the stark brick walls and the steel window frames.她不喜欢光秃秃的砖墙和钢窗架。The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail.总督察讨厌在细枝末节上纠缠不休。The boy disliked school and was straining at the leash to earn his own money.那孩子不爱上学,急于挣钱。Bill disliked the man immediately, and the feeling was mutual.比尔一见那人就讨厌,而那人也讨厌比尔。He disliked authority and, by extension, all government officials.他不喜欢当局,进而不喜欢所有政府官员。I interpreted his behavior to mean that he disliked me.我认为,他的行为表示他讨厌我。The new teacher was universally disliked.大家都不喜欢新来的老师。The representatives were serious businesslike diplomats who disliked small talk.代表们都是严肃务实的外交人员,他们不喜欢寒暄。We thought that he disliked her, while the whole time he was in love with her.我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。Muriel disliked Paul intensely.缪里尔非常不喜欢保罗。She had always disliked his pomposity.她一直就不喜欢他的妄自尊大。




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