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词汇 disinclined
例句 He was disinclined to talk about himself, especially to his students.他不喜欢谈论他自己,尤其是当着他学生的面。He seemed disinclined to take part in the discussion.他看起来不太愿意参加讨论。His timidity disinclined him from such an arduous enterprise.他的怯懦使得他不愿从事如此艰巨的一项事业。He is disinclined to talk about the matter.他不愿谈那桩事。They are disinclined to use violence because it is against their Buddhist faith.他们不愿意使用暴力,因为这么做违背他们的佛教信仰。The hot weather made me feel disinclined for work.炎热的天气使我不想工作。He felt disinclined for work.他不乐意工作。I was disinclined to talk to Sam about it.我不愿与萨姆谈这件事。Many workers feel disinclined for a long journey from home to work.许多职工不喜欢工作地点离家太远。I am/feel disinclined to offer him a job if he doesn't have a degree.如果他没有学位,我可不愿意给他一份工作。I'm disinclined to accept her explanation.我不愿接受她的解释。I'm disinclined towards yet another move.我不愿再搬一次家了。Her delicate constitution disinclined her from such an arduous job.她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰巨的工作。




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