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词汇 disguised
例句 We disguised the fact that we were disappointed.我们掩盖了我们很失望这个事实。In her speech she made several thinly disguised attacks on the president.她在演说中对总统作了几次几乎不加掩饰的抨击。She disguised herself as a musician to get into the concert hall early.她假扮成音乐家,早早混进了音乐厅。Sand has disguised all entrances to the mine.泥沙盖住了那个矿的所有入口。She disguised herself as a man with a false beard.她戴上假须女扮男装。The men had disguised the vessel as fishing boat to escape.那些人把船伪装成渔船逃走了。The casualness of the remark disguised the true intent of what he was saying.话里透出的漫不经心掩盖了他说话的真实用意。I played along, and disguised my voice.我将错就错,换了一副嗓子说话。He disguised himself as a doctor.他把自己假扮成医生。The detective was disguised as a waiter.这个侦探伪装成侍者。She looked at him with barely disguised contempt.她看着他,几乎毫不掩饰自己的轻蔑。She disguised herself in a wig and glasses.她戴上假发和眼镜来伪装自己。She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.她女扮男装,这样她就能上战场了。He spent several years in the monastery disguised as a monk.他伪装成僧人在寺院里隐居了许多年。They disguised their true feelings.他们掩饰了自己真实的感情。The speech was seen by many as a thinly disguised attack on the President.这篇演说在许多人看来是对总统稍加掩饰的攻击。His lips moved in ill-disguised amusement.他的嘴唇动了动,勉强装出开心的样子。In Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", Duke Orsino falls in love with the disguised Viola.在莎士比亚的戏剧《第十二夜》中,奥西诺公爵爱上了乔装打扮的薇奥拉。Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity.为了隐瞒身份,对她的声音进行了处理。They entered the building disguised as medical workers.他们假扮成医务人员进入了大楼。She was cleverly disguised as a policewoman.她巧妙地扮成警察。The policeman disguised himself as a beggar.那个警察伪装成乞丐。He spoke in a heavily disguised voice.他用完全装出来的嗓音说话。She viewed the Conservatives with barely disguised contempt.她鄙视保守派,对此几乎毫不掩饰。They were cunningly disguised in golf clothes.他们穿上高尔夫球服,巧妙地伪装起来。He was disguised as a police officer.他伪装成一个警官。Much of the speech was a thinly disguised attack on the management of the company.讲话内容大多是对公司管理层几乎不加掩饰的抨击。The government has disguised the true situation by clever manipulation of the figures.政府狡猾地篡改了数字,从而掩盖了事实真相。This satirical address was a thinly disguised stricture against the doctrine of the rights of man.这一充满讽刺意味的演说几乎是对人权主义不加掩饰的指责。This is lust thinly disguised as love.这表面是爱,但别人一眼就能看出其实是情欲。The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers.极端分子伪装成医务工作者进入了大楼。The true nature of the contents are disguised by the use of flavour enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate.各种成分的真实性质被谷氨酸一钠这样的鲜味剂给掩盖了。The book is a thinly disguised autobiography.这本书一看就是自传。She disguised herself as a man.她将自己乔装成男人。I was heavily disguised.我从头到脚伪装了一番。I was aware of her thinly disguised hostility.我注意到她那几乎不加掩饰的敌意。The taste of vitamins is not too nice so the flavour sometimes needs to be disguised.维生素的口味不太好,所以有时需要掩盖一下。Even the most cleverly disguised guards can be spotted.即使是伪装最巧妙的卫兵也能被发现。The journalist traveled the city disguised as a beggar.那个记者假扮成乞丐在城中游逛。They disguised their ship as a trading vessel.他们把船伪装成商船。




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