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词汇 disease
例句 Vitiligo is a skin disease causing the loss of pigmentation in which patients develop white spots in the skin.白癫风是一种皮肤病,其患者皮肤失去天然颜色,产生白色斑点。Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究使人们对这种疾病的成因有了更多的了解。Swollen ankles can be a sign of heart disease.踝肿可能是心脏病的一种体征。In most instances the disease can be controlled by medication.在多数情况下,这种疾病可以用药物治疗控制。The disease appeared to have shrunk him down some.看来这场病使他瘦了一些。The disease leads to debility but rarely kills.这种疾病导致身体虚弱,但很少会致命。Not enough attention is paid to the role of diet in illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.人们对饮食在癌症、心脏病等疾病上所起的作用不够关注。She contracted the disease and passed it on to her child.她染上了这种疾病,又传给了自己的孩子。The disease affects cats but there is no risk to humans.这种病会使猫受感染,但对人却没有危险。According to one school of thought, the disease is caused by a genetic defect.有一种观点认为,这种疾病是由基因缺陷引起的。Many people fell prey to disease.很多人被疾病夺去了生命。Identifying the cause of a disease must always be the first step towards finding a cure.发现病因必定是找到疗法的第一步。There has been a change in thinking in terms of the influence of diet on the disease.关于饮食对这种疾病的影响,人们的看法有所改变。The naming of the disease itself perhaps represents a praiseworthy effort of observation.这种疾病的命名本身也许就说明了一个可贵的观察成果。Scientists have found a genetic mutation that appears to be the cause of Huntington's disease.科学家们已经发现一种可能引起亨廷顿舞蹈病的基因突变。Giving up smoking helps reduce the risk of heart disease.戒烟有利于降低患心脏病的可能。She contracted the disease during her youth.她在青年时期染上了这个病。They want to stop the disease from spreading.他们想要阻止这种疾病传播。Josephine must have had the disease very mildly as she showed no symptoms.约瑟芬没有表现出任何症状,所以她的病情一定还很轻。The disease affects a greater percentage of men than women.这种疾病更多地是影响男性。The disease causes impaired vision/hearing in elderly people.这种疾病致使老年人的视力/听力减弱。The study shows an increase in the disease among the elderly.该研究证明该疾病在老年人中有所增加。Symptoms of the disease include tiredness and loss of memory.该疾病的症状包括疲倦和记忆丧失。The disease has devastated the area's oak tree population.疾病破坏了这个地区的橡树种群。While you are checking the animals, keep your eyes open for any signs of disease .在为这些动物做检查的时候,留心有没有疾病的迹象。The disease is transmitted through physical contact.这种疾病通过身体的接触传播。The disease spread through the poorer sections of the city.这种病在该市较贫穷的地区蔓延。Many of the earliest settlers here dies from disease and hunger.这里最早的一批移民中有许多人死于疾病和饥饿。Her body was no longer able to defend itself against disease.她的身体已经再也不能抵御疾病了。This disease is referable to a microbe.这一疾病是由微生物引起的。The spreading of the disease caused/produced mass hysteria in the village.疾病的蔓延在村里导致/引起群众的不安情绪爆发。Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated.感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。Men run a greater risk of dying from heart disease than women.男性死于心脏病的危险性比女性更大。The doctors were unable to effect a cure because the disease had spread too far.疾病已广泛扩散,医生们也未能治愈。The disease is curable if caught early.这个病如果发现得早是可以治愈的。The region was depopulated by disease/famine/war.该地区的人口因疾病/饥饿/战争而减少。Symptoms of the disease include rash and fever.这种病的症状包括出皮疹和发烧。Many people had to be immunized after being exposed to the disease.很多人在接触这种疾病后必须接种疫苗。They're dealing with the symptoms but they haven't done anything about the underlying problem/disease.他们只治标,但没从根本上解决任何问题。There is little hope of localizing the disease.几乎没有什么希望可以把这种疾病限制在局部地区。




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