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词汇 Disease
例句 Disease, famine and death are the dogs of war.疾病、饥荒和死亡是战争祸害。Disease is often an accompaniment of famine.疾病常伴随饥荒发生。Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic.十年前的今天,美国疾病控制中心含糊其词地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。Disease is a concomitant with poor sanitation.疾病是不讲卫生所造成的。Disease is no respecter of persons.疾病面前人人平等。Disease alters the balance of the human machine.疾病改变了人体器官的平衡。Disease is an accompaniment of poverty.疾病伴随贫困而发生。For a child to have Tay-Sachs Disease, both parents must have the defective gene responsible.只有当父母都携带有缺陷的相关基因时,他们的孩子才会罹患家族黑蒙性白痴病。Disease was a central dynamic in the decrease in population.疾病是人口减少的主要因素。Disease has not been a problem because clean water is available.不必担心会生病,因为能喝上干净水。Disease and starvation combined to kill thousands.疾病加上饥饿使数以千计的人丧生。Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.疾病在过分拥挤的城市中肆虐。The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.这种疾病更通俗的名称是疯牛病。In Britain, BSE was popularly known as Mad Cow Disease.在英国,牛海绵状脑病俗称疯牛病。Disease depopulated the whole region.疾病使整个地区十室九空。The Animal Disease Authority decided to destroy the cattle that were infected with the disease.动物疾病管理局决定把感染这种疾病的牛杀了。The Cambridge World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work.《剑桥世界人类疾病史》是一部权威著作。Disease was an inevitable consequence of poor living conditions.恶劣的生活条件必然导致疾病。Disease is usually caused by germs.疾病常由病菌造成。




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