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例句 I don't think we'd better discuss it any more.我认为我们不该再讨论这事。They managed to discuss their past disagreements without animosity.他们能够不计前嫌地讨论过去的分歧。The club assembles once a month to discuss upcoming activities.俱乐部成员每月聚集一次,讨论即将开始的活动。Why don't you come round later and we'll discuss it over dinner?你等会儿过来,我们吃晚饭的时候谈谈这事好吗?Draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting.先起草一个项目草案,我们可以在会上就此讨论。We'll discuss this again on another occasion.我们将在其他场合再讨论此事。Union officials won't discuss specifics of the negotiations.工会官员们不会讨论谈判的细节。A committee will meet regularly to discuss the company's progress.委员会将定期碰面以讨论公司的发展。A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.一名发言人说政府有信心赢得选票,并且不愿意谈论落选的可能性。It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.很显然,她想谈些私事。They managed to discuss the issues without resorting to polemics.他们设法对这些问题进行了讨论而非辩论。Leaders of the Football League met to discuss the problems of violence at football games.足球联盟的领导开会讨论足球比赛中的暴力问题。I've tried to discuss my feelings with her, but it's like talking to a brick wall.我曾经试着和她谈我的感受,但好像是对牛弹琴。。The UK has sent a legation to discuss trade and tariffs.英国派出了一个公使代表团去讨论贸易和关税问题。A series of meetings were held to discuss security issues and teach women employees how to protect themselves.举行了一系列会议讨论安全问题,并教授女性员工如何保护自己。Shall we discuss this over dinner?我们晚餐时讨论这件事好吗?I just won't discuss my intimate relationships.我就是不会去谈我的感情状况。The committee meets regularly to discuss these issues.委员会定期开会讨论这些问题。British and Argentinian diplomats met to discuss peace.英国与阿根廷双方的外交官会晤共商和平方案。Let's try to discuss this like rational human beings.让我们像有理性的正常人一样来讨论这个问题。I think you should both cool off, and maybe then you can sit down and discuss it rationally.我想你们俩都应该冷静下来,到时或许能够坐下来好好谈谈。If the problem continues, discuss a plan of action with your colleagues.如果问题继续存在,与同事一起讨论一份行动方案。We're supposed to discuss a text we've been assigned.我们应该讨论规定的题目。The committee is meeting to discuss how the money should be spent this year.委员会在开会讨论今年这笔钱该怎么花。Enough of this palaver. We have a lot to discuss.别再说废话了,我们还有很多需要讨论的。The book doesn't discuss the topic at any length. 这本书只是简短地讨论了这个话题。What I'd like us to do is put our cards on the table and discuss the situation in a rational manner.我希望我们能够把事情摊开来,理智地讨论现在这个情况。The sessions will enable you to discuss problems with fellow asthma sufferers.这些聚会活动将使你有机会与其他哮喘病患者一起讨论问题。Late last night, the French ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Office to discuss the crisis.昨晚深夜法国大使被外交部召见,商讨这起危机事宜。The board members met behind closed doors to discuss the deal.董事会闭门讨论这笔生意。European statesmen are meeting in Paris today to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.今天,欧洲的政治家在巴黎举行会议,讨论中东危机。We'll discuss this in the morning.我们明天早上将讨论这个问题。We need to discuss disagreements honestly without papering over the cracks.我们应该开诚布公地讨论分歧而不是掩盖隐瞒。A typical Cancer will never discuss his personal life with anyone.典型的巨蟹座绝不会和任何人谈论自己的私生活。The evening meal is a time when all the family can get together and discuss the day's events.晚饭是全家人可以聚在一起,讨论一天中所发生的事情的一个时候。There are several things we should discuss. Who'd like to start the ball rolling?我们有几件事要讨论。谁来开个头?Leaders will meet to discuss the debt crisis, investment and other related issues.领导人将会开会讨论债务危机、投资及相关问题。There is a rather delicate matter that I need to discuss with you.有件相当棘手的事,我需要和你讨论一下。We ought to be able to discuss this in a sane and reasonable way.我们应该能理智地讨论此事。We will, no doubt, discuss these issues again at the next meeting.毫无疑问,我们在下次会议上还要讨论这些问题。




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