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词汇 discharge
例句 The damage was caused by accidental discharge of a hunting rifle.破坏是因猎枪走火造成的。She is competent in the discharge of her duties.她善于履行职责。The prisoner was glad to get his discharge.囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。The discharge from the chemical works killed hundreds of fish in the river.化工厂的排出物毒死了河中数以百计的鱼。There was a watery discharge from her ear.她耳朵里流出水样分泌物。The bus had stopped to discharge passengers.公共汽车停下来让乘客下车。In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.企业中严重违抗命令的员工会面临被辞退的威胁。The discharge of the cargo will take two days.卸货需要两天时间。The factory was charged with the illegal discharge of pollution into a stream.工厂被指控向河中非法排放污染物。The trustees failed to discharge their duties properly.受托人未能切实地履行其职责。A rust or prune juice in nasal discharge colour indicates blood originating from lower respiratory tract.铁锈色或深紫红色鼻液表示血液来自下呼吸道。She assisted them in the discharge of their duties.她协助他们履行职责。Jack was given an early discharge from the army after being severely wounded in battle.由于在战斗中受重伤,杰克提前退伍。I will faithfully discharge my duties.我将忠诚地履行我的职责。After breakfast I got my discharge from the hospital.我在早饭后获准出院。I will endeavour to discharge those responsibilities to the best of my ability.我会尽最大的努力肩负起这些责任。Tony wanted to get married as soon as he got his discharge from the army.托尼想一经批准退伍就结婚。We aim to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the discharge of pollutants.我们的目标是在最大可行的程度上减少污染物的排放。Her military career ended with a dishonorable discharge. 她的军旅生涯最终以被开除军籍告终。You will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties.你有责任高效履行自己的职责。Army attorneys argued for a general discharge.军队的律师主张判一般退伍。The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.货物将被贱价卖出以清偿债务。They have failed to discharge their debts.他们未能偿还债务。He is unable to discharge the duties of his office.他无法履行职责。Her elder brother was an ensign before his discharge.她哥哥退伍前是海军少尉。Many cities discharge their sewage into the sea without treating it at all.许多城市在根本未经处理的情况下将污水排放到海里。Several former employees are suing the company for wrongful discharge.数名前雇员正在起诉公司的非法解雇行为。We must be on the alert to discharge our responsibilities toward the friendly countries.我们必须随时准备履行我们对友好国家的责任。Some towns discharge rubbish into the sea.有些城市把垃圾倒入海中。He vowed to faithfully discharge the duties/responsibilities of his office.他发誓要忠实履行岗位职责。The man was given a conditional discharge for two years.那人被给予两年假释。The discharge from the wound contained pus.伤口分泌物中有脓。Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations.环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。He went to college after receiving an honorable discharge from the army.他从部队光荣退役后进了大学。The wound began to discharge pus.伤口开始流脓。He received an honorable discharge from the army.他从军队光荣退伍了。After his discharge from the military, he went to college to become a teacher.从军队退伍后,他去大学做了教师。They develop a fever and a watery discharge from their eyes.他们开始发烧,眼睛里分泌出一种水状物。The court-martial was followed by a dishonourable discharge.开除军籍后还要接受军事法庭的审判。Smokestacks of power plants discharge a large amount of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.发电厂的大烟囱向大气排出大量的二氧化硫。




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