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词汇 disbelief
例句 I find your disbelief very hurtful.你不相信我,我觉得很受伤。He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief.他故作怀疑地皱起了眉头。We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.我们震惊、愕然、目瞪口呆,难以置信地摇着头。Many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief.许多电影要求观众自觉自愿将不信任暂时撇开。Indonesians have reacted with disbelief.印度尼西亚人对此表示怀疑。The president publicly expressed his disbelief at what had happened.总统对所发生的事情公开表示质疑。The initial reports were met with widespread disbelief. 最初的报道受到广泛质疑。His eyes were wide in disbelief.他的眼睛睁得大大的,满是不信任。Her reaction to the Tory jeers was to shake her head with disbelief.她面对保守党人的嘲笑只是难以置信地摇了摇头。I stared at him in utter disbelief.我目不转睛地看着他,不敢相信这是真的。The expression on Paul's face was a cross between amusement and disbelief.保罗脸上的表情是又好笑又怀疑。Her slow smile conveyed disbelief.她迟疑地一笑,表示不信。We were amazed, shaking our heads in disbelief.我们非常惊讶,不相信地摇头。She stared at me in disbelief.她满腹疑惑地盯着我看。My initial reaction was one of complete disbelief.我最初的反应是完全不相信。When people hear tragic news their first reaction is usually one of disbelief.人们听到噩耗时,最初的反应常常是不敢相信。Hilary shook her head in disbelief at the news.希拉里听到这个消息时不相信地摇了摇头。He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.他声称完全不相信超自然现象。If you can suspend disbelief, this is a hugely enjoyable story.如果你姑且信以为真,会发现故事非常有趣。My story was met with a mixture of disbelief and contempt.对我的话,有人怀疑,有人鄙视。Mark shook his head in disbelief.马克不相信地摇摇头。To United's disbelief, the referee failed to award the goal.让联队难以置信的是,裁判没有判进球有效。He just stared at her with disbelief.他只是怔怔地看着她,不敢相信。Her face registered disbelief.她脸上流露出难以置信的神情。An expression of disbelief crossed Brody's face.布罗迪一脸狐疑。His eyes widened in shocked disbelief.他眼睛瞪得大大的,简直不敢相信。They sat there in shock and disbelief.他们吃惊地坐在那里,不敢相信这是真的。Phil looked on in disbelief as Maggie got up on the table and started to dance.当玛吉站到桌上开始跳舞时,菲尔在一旁满腹狐疑地观看着。She shook her head in disbelief.她怀疑地摇摇头。To my horrified disbelief, the animal was running in my direction.使我既惊骇又不敢相信的是,那只动物向我冲过来。We could only watch in disbelief as the car rolled into the water.我们只能难以置信地眼睁睁看着汽车翻入水里。I stared in disbelief at the dial on the weighing machine.看到称上显示的数字,我不相信地瞪大了眼睛。Her mouth dropped open in disbelief.她张着嘴,满脸怀疑。They stared in disbelief at the accident scene.他们难以置信地盯着事故现场。A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender.他眼里闪现出一丝怀疑,但又马上代之以可怜无助的依从。A look of disbelief spread across/over their faces.他们的脸上露出不信任的神色。She looked at him in disbelief.她全然不信地看着他。She cocked an eyebrow in disbelief.她扬起眉毛,一副怀疑的神情。They looked at him, slack-jawed with disbelief.他们微张着嘴看着他,一副不相信的样子。Ella stood transfixed in shock and disbelief.埃拉呆立在那里,又惊又疑。




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