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词汇 disagreements
例句 In spite of all our disagreements, we remained the best of friends.尽管我们在很多方面存在分歧,我们还是最好的朋友。Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.金钱往往是年轻夫妇关系紧张不和的起因。A law on hunting will cause a lot of disagreements.狩猎法将引起很多争议。There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.该运动内部在意识形态上存在一些比较严重的分歧。Yes, we did have our disagreements but that's water under the bridge now.是的,我们确实曾经不和,但那已是陈年往事了。We've had a number of serious disagreements over the years.这些年来我们有过许多严重的分歧。Great care is taken to avoid overt disagreements within the group.为避免团体内部出现公开争执颇费了一番心思。They agreed to forget their disagreements and be friends again.他们同意不再提他们之间的不和,重新成为朋友。They managed to discuss their past disagreements without animosity.他们能够不计前嫌地讨论过去的分歧。There are legitimate disagreements about the best way to help the poor.关于救助穷人的最佳方式存在合理的反对意见。The parting of the ways came after a series of disagreements between the singer and his song-writer.经过一连串争执后,歌手和他的曲作者最终各奔东西。There were disagreements over the rights and wrongs of sex education.对性教育的对与错存在分歧。The talks foundered on disagreements between the two parties.会谈因双方意见不合而搁浅。They no longer even conceive of using war or the threat of war to resolve their disagreements.他们甚至不再设想用战争或是战争威胁来解决分歧。Their disagreements healed over.他们之间的分歧消除了。These disagreements eventually led to the parting of the ways between the two organizations.这些分歧最终导致两个组织分道扬镳。This bill will never be passed if disagreements between Democrats and Republicans aren't settled soon.民主党和共和党之间如果不尽快消除分歧,这项议案就会没法通过。Let's forget our disagreements.我们不要再提我们之间的争吵了。I'm sure you have principled disagreements with several of Dean's positions.我敢肯定你对迪安的几个观点持有原则性的反对意见。Between the copartners serious disagreements arose.合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。The party is seriously split by internal rivalries and disagreements.该党由于内部竞争与意见相左而产生了严重分歧。Several disagreements have yet to be resolved.有几项意见分歧还有待消除。Sources inside the company indicate that there are disagreements about the change in management.来自公司内部的消息表明,对于管理层人员的变动尚存分歧。They papered over their disagreements in order to convince the investors to put up the money.为了使投资者相信并投资,他们掩盖了分歧。These exchanges reflected fundamental disagreements about methods and goals.这些交流反映出方法和目标方面的根本分歧。We need to discuss disagreements honestly without papering over the cracks.我们应该开诚布公地讨论分歧而不是掩盖隐瞒。Reihill's departure from the company is thought to follow disagreements with John Reihill Sr, who now controls the company.赖希尔从公司的离职被认为是因为与现在掌管公司的老约翰·赖希尔意见不合。Despite the disagreements, they managed to present a united front.尽管有争议,他们对外还是尽量摆出一幅团结的姿态。There were the occasional disagreements about money, but mostly we got on well.我们之间偶尔也会因为钱的事出现分歧,但多数时候都相处得很好。




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