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词汇 dirt road
例句 A dirt road zigzags up the steep hill to our cabin.一条土路沿陡峭的山坡曲折而上,直达我们的小木屋。I drove along the dirt road.我驱车沿那条土路行进。Then you'll come to a place where the pavement tapers off and the dirt road begins.然后你就会走到一个地方,人行道逐渐变窄,然后变成泥地。Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road.轮子在泥路上会留下车辙。Turn right where the highway meets the dirt road.在公路和土路交叉的地方向右拐弯。We traveled over miles of dirt road.我们走过了好几英里土路。A dirt road ran from the highway past the dump and into some trees.一条泥路从公路那边伸延过来,经过垃圾场进入了树林。!After a lot of rain, the dirt road becomes a quagmire.大雨过后,土路变成一片沼泽。The truck bumped along the dirt road.卡车在土路上颠簸行驶。He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive.他右转弯,开到了一条土路上,不得不以四轮驱动行进。Seeing the van was gaining on him, he turned suddenly onto a dirt road.看到小货车在追上来,他突然转弯开到一条烂泥路上去了。I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching trees and bushes.我转上土路,在蔓延至路面的树木和灌木间穿行。A car rumbled over the bumpy dirt road, leaving behind a whirl of white dust.一辆汽车隆隆地驶过坑坑洼洼的泥地,扬起一阵白色尘土。Rain fell continuously and turned the winding dirt road into a river of slippery mud.雨下个不停,把这条蜿蜒曲折的土路变成了一条湿滑的泥流。A dirt road provides access to the home.一条土路通往那处住宅。After the heavy rain the dirt road was a mush.大雨过后,泥路泥泞不堪。Every morning he ran the dirt road to keep fit.每天早晨他在泥路上跑步以保持健康。As the car sped down the dirt road, it left a cloud of dust behind.汽车在这条土路上疾驰时,在车后扬起一团尘烟。We drove up a narrow dirt road to their house.我们沿着一条窄窄的土路一直开到他们家。A group of riders came into view on the dirt road.一群骑车的人出现在那条土路上。




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