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词汇 dining room
例句 This is the table he affects in the dining room.在食堂里他常在这张桌上吃饭。The dining room has curtains with swags.餐厅里的窗帘上方挂着布幔。The clink of dishes in the dining room told him that dinner would soon be ready.饭厅里碗碟叮叮当当,告诉他晚饭马上就准备好了。We're having plain blue walls in the dining room.我们客厅里的墙壁要纯蓝色的。They put up a division between dining room and the kitchen.他们在饭厅和厨房之间装了一道隔板。She steered her guests into the dining room.她把客人们领到餐厅。This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.这既是我们的厨房,又是客厅和餐厅。The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room.科罗纳塔壁纸为餐厅增添了庄重的氛围。The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.厨房紧挨着餐厅。The dining room is finished in deep red.餐厅刷成了深红色。This dining room is for the exclusive use of the students.这间膳厅是供学生专用的。On the stroke of seven, a gong summons guests into the dining room.锣声在七点整响起,召唤客人进入餐厅。The dining room had dark paneling.餐厅用深色嵌板装饰。This carpet would be just right for the dining room.这块地毯放在餐厅正合适。People were making a move in the direction of the dining room.人们朝饭厅方向走去。Sausages, eggs, chips and baked beans are available at suppertime in the dining room.餐厅晚饭时间提供香肠、鸡蛋、薯片和烘豆。He was playing footsie with her under the dining room table.他在餐桌下用脚和她调情。The dining room is spacious enough to seat our whole family and several guests.这间餐厅足够宽敞,能坐下我们全家人外加几位客人。I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the dining room.我能听见餐厅里传来碰杯的叮当声。The dining room looks out onto a pretty garden.从饭厅望出去能看到漂亮的花园。Meals are taken communally in the dining room.在餐厅里集体进餐。In the dining room, team photographs were ranged along the wall.餐厅里,球队的照片排列在墙上。The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room.科罗娜塔墙纸给餐厅增添了一种整齐有致的气氛。She decided to dust the dining room furniture again.她决定把饭厅的家具再擦一遍。The kitchen's off the dining room.厨房在餐厅一侧。The old lady doddered down the hall to the dining room.老太太颤巍巍穿过甬道向餐室走去。The dining room in the castle was grand and stately.城堡里的餐厅辉煌而庄严。The dining room is finished in deep red.餐厅装饰成了深红色。We were led to the dining room, where lunch was being served.我们被带到餐厅,那儿正在供应午餐。We put two flowery prints in the dining room.我们在餐厅里挂了两幅印花织品。Mirrors are used in the dining room in order to give the impression of space.饭厅里装有镜子,给人一种宽敞的感觉。We'll need a table and four chairs for the dining room.我们需要在餐厅摆放一张桌子和四把椅子。The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine.在这间餐厅用餐可以欣赏湖边景色,又可以享用美味佳肴。The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped, sanded and sealed.这个房间和餐厅的木地板都已经被刮除涂层并进行了打磨上蜡。After showing us the dining room, the estate agent led us into the kitchen.带我们看了餐厅后,这位房地产经纪人领着我们进了厨房。The dining room was square in shape.饭厅是正方形的。The waiters were at their stations in the dining room.服务员当时在餐厅各司其职。The hotel dining room projects out over the water.这家旅馆的餐厅突出到水面上方。The walls of the dining room were paneled with oak.餐厅的墙壁镶著橡木。The dining room has been completely revamped.餐厅已经彻底翻新过。




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