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词汇 dining
例句 The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.厨房紧挨着餐厅。We'll need a table and four chairs for the dining room.我们需要在餐厅摆放一张桌子和四把椅子。The dining room in the castle was grand and stately.城堡里的餐厅辉煌而庄严。I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the dining room.我能听见餐厅里传来碰杯的叮当声。The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine.在这间餐厅用餐可以欣赏湖边景色,又可以享用美味佳肴。People were making a move in the direction of the dining room.人们朝饭厅方向走去。Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.比起穿着昂贵的套装到高档饭店吃饭,他更喜欢吃汉堡、买成衣。She steered her guests into the dining room.她把客人们领到餐厅。Companies spend millions wining and dining clients.公司花费巨款宴请客户。The restaurant offers no-frills dining.这家餐厅提供基本餐饮。The dining hall opens onto a courtyard. 餐厅通往院子。The hotel has a large dining room serving superb local cuisine.这家宾馆有一个大餐厅供应上好的当地菜肴。I usually work in the dining room because it's the quietest room in the house.我一般在饭厅里工作,因为那是房子里最安静的房间。Enjoy your dining.祝你们进餐愉快。The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room.科罗纳塔壁纸为餐厅增添了庄重的氛围。He wallpapered the dining room.他给餐厅贴了墙纸。The dining room has curtains with swags.餐厅里的窗帘上方挂着布幔。She decided to dust the dining room furniture again.她决定把饭厅的家具再擦一遍。The hotel's main dining room has ample room for both dining and dancing .宾馆的主餐厅地方宽敞,既可就餐,又可跳舞。In the dining room, team photographs were ranged along the wall.餐厅里,球队的照片排列在墙上。They were sitting at/around the dining/dinner table.他们坐/围坐在餐桌旁。The dining room was dark and gloomy, and the food was similarly lacking in charm.这个餐厅昏暗阴郁,饭菜也同样没有吸引力。We were led to the dining room, where lunch was being served.我们被带到餐厅,那儿正在供应午餐。The kitchen's off the dining room.厨房在餐厅一侧。What are the dimensions of the dining-room table?餐桌的长宽高是多少?This is the table he affects in the dining room.在食堂里他常在这张桌上吃饭。We have to choose a colour scheme for the dining room.我们得给饭厅选个搭配的颜色。We eat at home a lot, so dining out sometimes is/makes a nice change.我们常在家吃饭,所以偶尔到餐馆吃一顿是个不错的变化。The silver plated casters on the dining table caught her attention.餐桌上的镀银调味品瓶架引起了她的注意。In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.在餐厅里,打褶装饰物能营造雅致的氛围。The kitchen is right next door to the dining room.厨房就在餐厅隔壁。Designed as a dining hall, the grand room is now a visitors' centre.这个华丽的房间原来要用作餐厅,现在成了游客中心。The college has communal dining rooms, nurseries and clinics.这所大学里有公共餐厅、托儿所和诊所。The dining hall was buzzing with chatter.餐厅里叽叽喳喳都是说话声。Go to the poolside dining area.去游泳池边的进餐区域。The dining room is spacious enough to seat our whole family and several guests.这间餐厅足够宽敞,能坐下我们全家人外加几位客人。She considers herself too elevated to eat with the common horde in the dining room.她自视过高,不愿与一般人同在饭厅用膳。I noticed a picture on the dining-room wall.我注意到餐厅墙上的一幅画。We hope you have an enjoyable dining experience.希望您用餐愉快。A picture of Rory O'Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.一幅罗里·奥穆尔的画像挂在基尔丹根的餐厅里。




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