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词汇 diminished
例句 What he did has seriously diminished him in many people's eyes.他的所作所为严重损害了他在许多人眼里的形象。His health was poor, and with the loss of the farm, he was diminished in every way.他的健康状况不佳,而由于失去农场,更是完全垮了。The strength of the army was greatly diminished by outbreaks of disease.疾病的暴发严重削弱了军队的战斗力。Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.失业率的不断上升削弱了在职人员与雇主讨价还价的能力。He never put her down or diminished her.他从未奚落或贬低过她。The medical expenses diminished his savings.医疗费耗去了他的积蓄。Our water supply has diminished as a result of the drought.由于旱灾我们的水贮备减少了。This could mean diminished public support for the war.这可能意味着公众对战争的支持会有所下降。The illness has diminished her strength.疾病损伤了她的元气。Their chances of survival are greatly diminished because of their poor health.由于身体不好,他们的生存机会大大减少。As she turned the knob, the sound diminished.她转动旋钮,声音变小了。We're living in a time of diminished/rising expectations.我们生活在一个希望衰退/高涨的时代。Sea-serpent sightings have diminished of late.近来见到海蛇的机会减少了。Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor's popularity.几个不得人心的决定降低了州长的声望。The delay may well have diminished the impact of their campaign.这一拖延完全可能削弱他们宣传活动的影响力。The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.支持这个政党的选民数量持续下降。The threat of war has diminished.战争的威胁已经降低了。These memories will not be diminished by time.这些记忆不会随着时间的流逝而淡漠。The clouds diminished the strength of the sunlight.云层减弱了阳光的强度。He was found not guilty of murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility.他未被判谋杀罪是基于精神失常而减轻了刑事责任。Mexico's financial difficulties increased rather than diminished.墨西哥的财政问题不但没有减轻,反而更趋严重了。His skills haven't diminished with age.他的技艺没有因年老衰退。The intensity of the sound diminished gradually.声音的强度逐渐减弱。He could no longer cope; he relied on me, and felt diminished by it.他再也无法承受,他依赖我,却因此觉得是受了轻贱。His illness diminished his strength.疾病削弱了他的体力。The risk of infection hasn't diminished – on the contrary, it has increased.感染的危险并没有减少,恰恰相反,还增加了。Borland was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.基于精神失常可减轻刑事责任的理由,博兰被免除了谋杀罪,但仍然获判过失杀人。He denies murder but admits manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.他否认谋杀,但是以限制行为能力为由承认误杀。These facts cannot support a plea of diminished responsibility.这些事实不支持减轻刑事责任抗辩。The threat of nuclear war has diminished.核战争的威胁已经减小了。My interest in the subject has steadily diminished. 我对这个课题的兴趣越来越小。




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