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词汇 die on
例句 Without some young blood, this club is going to die on its feet.没有新人加入,这家俱乐部就要关闭了。The crops died on them.庄稼颗粒无收使他们受难。By a strange twist of fate the judge died on the very day that Cordell was executed.因为命运奇怪的安排,法官就在科德尔被处决的那一天死了。He died on a wartime bombing mission.他死于战时的一次轰炸行动。He died on the scaffold.他被处绞刑而死。He died on active service.他在服役期间死亡。The program for rebuilding the city died on the vine.重建城市的计划夭折了。He suffered serious injuries in the car crash, and died on the way to hospital.他在车祸中受了重伤,送医院途中身亡。The whole town is in mourning after two boys died on a school trip to the US.两名男童参加学校旅行去美国期间不幸丧生,全镇的人都在悼念。The pilot must have died on impact.飞行员肯定已经在撞机发生时死亡。Her plan to run for public office died on the vine.她竞选公职的计划夭折了。The laughter died on her lips.笑意从她唇上渐渐消逝了。Christ died on the cross.基督被钉死在十字架上。The bloody phone died on me when I went to make the call.我去打电话时那该死的电话坏在了我手里。He died on the battlefield.他战死沙场。The car's just died on me.这辆车就是在我手里坏的。The happy look died on his face.欢快的神情从他脸上逐渐消失了。Many people sickened and died on the long voyage.在漫长的航海中,很多人得病死去Our car died on us halfway.我们的汽车开到半路时抛锚了。The horn died on us, so we'd better fix it up.喇叭是在我们手里坏的,所以最好还是由我们把它修好。Kathryn looked down at the floor and the smile died on her lips.凯瑟琳低头看向地板,笑容从她的嘴角消失了。Not many of my patients die on me.我的病人在我当班时死亡的并不多。Her son died on the battlefield.她儿子死在战场上。Thousands died on the battlefields of northern France.成千上万的人在法国北部的战场上死去。He was hit by a truck and died on the spot.他被一辆卡车撞倒,当场死亡。Many too famished simply died on the way.很多极度挨饿的人在途中就死掉了。




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