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词汇 Diego
例句 Diego Garcia gives the U. S. A. strategic position astride major sea lanes.迪戈加西亚岛使美国获得一种控制海上主要航道的战略地位。Blake spoke to the audience live via satellite from San Diego.布莱克在圣地亚哥通过卫星直播对观众讲话。I'm not going to stay here. I'm out of here, back down to San Diego.我不会呆在这里。我要离开这儿,回到圣迭戈。In San Diego, the shortage of skilled workers is acute.在圣迭戈,熟练工严重短缺。San Diego is asking private companies to bid against city workers to run one of the city's three water treatment plants.圣迭戈要求私人公司投标,与市政人员争夺该市三大污水处理厂之一的经营权。Thousands attended the beatification of Juan Diego.数千人参加了胡安·迭戈的宣福礼。The company also provides commercial hauling for the city of San Diego.这家公司还为圣迭戈市提供商业运输服务。Diego screamed as a pillar of fire engulfed him.迭戈惊声尖叫,一团火柱将其吞噬。She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.詹森被杀的那个周末她在圣迭戈,此事已经核实。They've never been further south than San Diego.他们从没有到过比圣迭戈更往南的地方。Diego looked like a man who was inured to disappointment.迪戈看上去像一个饱经失望的人。Diego wore a hand-me-down jacket, still too big for him.迭戈穿着一件旧夹克,仍嫌太大。The earthquake was felt as far south as San Diego.向南直到圣迭戈都有震感。He is the youngest person ever to be given a death sentence in San Diego County.他是圣迭戈县历来最年轻的被判处死刑的人。We rode the train from San Diego to Portland.我们从圣地亚哥坐火车到波特兰。The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego.昨天从拉斯维加斯到圣迭戈都感觉到了这几股冲击波。Cowles Mountain is the highest peak in the city of San Diego.考尔斯山是圣迭戈市的最高峰。San Diego's public buildings are falling apart, but the city refuses to do anything about it.圣迭戈的公共建筑都快散架了,该市却袖手旁观。A key member of the San Diego Yacht Club team is splitting off to form his own team.圣迭戈帆船俱乐部队的一名主力队员正要离队去成立自己的队伍。




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