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词汇 dial
例句 He couldn't tell what time it was since his watch didn't have a luminous dial.他不知道几点了,因为他的表盘上没有夜光。Just twiddle the dial on the radio a bit for better reception.稍微转动一下收音机的旋钮以获得更好的收听效果。I went to my locker, spun the dial, and got my books out.我走到我的寄物柜跟前,转动号码盘,取出书。It took him a long time to dial through.他花了好长时间才把电话拨通。I dial up and pay on a per-use basis.我拨通电话,按次付费。She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice Campbell's number.她拿起电话听筒,开始拨打莫里斯·坎贝尔的号码。The needle on the dial began to oscillate.仪表盘上的指针开始来回摆动。I had to keep adjusting the radio dial to make the station come in clearly.为了清晰地收听到电台,我只得不断地调节收音机的调台盘。She looked at the dial to check her speed.她看了看仪表盘以确认自己的速度。You turn this dial to find a different radio station.转动这个旋钮可选择不同的广播电台。We were able to receive incoming calls, but we weren't able to dial out.我们可以接电话,但打不出去。Don't touch that dial.不要乱动那个拨号盘。Telecommunication companies should have a minimum speed for Internet dial-up connections.电信公司应该为网络拨号连接的速度设定下限。This dial indicates oil pressure in the engine.这仪表显示引擎的油压。Don't touch that dial不要碰那个刻度盘。As I had to concentrate on driving, I had a convenient excuse to dial it all out.因为得集中思想开车,我便有了一个现成的借口,把这件事整个儿抛在脑后。I have you on speed dial. = I have your number on speed dial.我把你的号码设成了快速拨号。Simply dial the number and give us your order.只需拨打号码向我们下订单即可。You can dial up a pizza to be sent to your room.你可以电话订购比萨饼送到房间。His illuminated watch dial showed it was shortly after midnight.他那发光的手表字盘显示出此时刚过午夜。He spun the dial on the padlock right, then left, then right again.他把挂锁上的转盘右转,然后左转,然后再右转。He switched on the radio and twirled the dial.他打开收音机转动调谐盘。The government attempted to dial down widespread concern over the current flu outbreak.政府试图减轻人们对当前流感大暴发的广泛担忧。Set the dial for the number of copies required.在控制板上设定需要的复印数目。The dial tone sounded.拨号音响了。Simply dial the number and tell us your area.只需拨这个号码告诉我们你在什么地方。At the center of the dial is a piece of smoky glass.表盘的中央是一块烟灰色的玻璃。All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number.我给他拨电话只能听到占线的忙音信号。What do I dial for an outside line?应该怎么拨外线?Turn the dial in a clockwise direction.按顺时针方向拨动拨号盘。The lighted dial of her watch said 1.20.她那发光的表面显示的时间是一点二十分。Who's at the top of your speed-dial list?你的一键拨号名单上第一个是谁?When I dial the number I'm greeted by a recorded message.我拨这个号码后会听到一段录音信息。I stared in disbelief at the dial on the weighing machine.看到称上显示的数字,我不相信地瞪大了眼睛。We'll be back right after this commercial, so don't touch that dial! 广告之后我们马上回来,所以不要换台!I've added your number to my phone so I can speed-dial you now.我把你的号码存进了我的电话,现在可以快速拨号呼叫你了。The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。The inconvenience I experienced was an inability to dial up to the Internet.让我觉得不便的是没法拨号上网。You can dial the same number again by pressing the redial button.你可以按重拨键拨打相同的号码。He twiddled the radio dial until he found a news programme.他旋动收音机的调谐度盘,直到找到新闻节目。




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