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词汇 devote to
例句 My father's life work was devoted to the conservation of the Longleat estate.我父亲一生致力于保护朗利特庄园。Professor Field is devoted to the exploration of the frontiers of medicine.菲尔德教授致力于探索医学研究的新领域。The book is devoted to the study of the causes of economic depressions.这本书专门探讨经济萧条的原因。She remained devoted to his memory.她仍旧沉浸在对他的追忆中。Isabella was devoted to her brother.伊莎贝拉非常爱自己的弟弟。Page upon page is devoted to the chain of events leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.一页又一页的篇幅都用来描述导致首相辞职的一连串事件。The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.这次会议将集中讨论健康和安全问题。They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.他们看起来非常恩爱,柔情蜜意溢于言表。It was a brief romantic episode in a life devoted to work.那是忙碌的工作生活中的一段短暂的爱情小插曲。He set himself ferociously tough standards; and he was ardently devoted to ballet.他给自己制定了极为苛刻的标准,满腔热忱地献身于芭蕾事业。The magazine is devoted to rock music, fashion, and other aspects of youth culture.这本杂志专门介绍摇滚乐、时装等青年文化。He was devoted to the propagation of true Buddhism.他致力于传播真正的佛教。She is the leader of an international organization devoted to the protection of natural resources.她领导着一个致力于自然资源保护的国际组织。He's devoted to his wife and family.他深爱他的妻子和子女。Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue.报纸大肆报道了这一问题。The magazine is devoted to anatomizing the inadequacies of liberalism.该杂志致力于对自由主义的不足之处详加分析。The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories.该商店专营新的一系列配件。Sean was a little impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother.肖恩有点儿忍受不了瓦莱丽花太多时间在她母亲身上。She is wholly devoted to her children.她把心思全花在了孩子身上。The organization is devoted to fighting economic/racial/social injustice.这个组织致力于与经济/种族/社会不公平做斗争。He constructed his own web pages devoted to teenage cancer.他开了自己的网页,专门探讨青少年癌症问题。The organization was devoted to cataloging and archiving printed materials on the labor movement.这个组织致力于有关工人运动的书面材料的分类和保存工作。The magazine is devoted to anato-mizing the inadequacies of liberalism.该杂志致力于剖析自由主义的不足之处。A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic.纠缠在同一个话题上的时间太长了。They were totally devoted to each other.他们完全忠诚于彼此。Fifty years on, the couple are still devoted to one another.五十年了,这对夫妇仍然深爱着对方。He is a good man, devoted to his wife and children.他是个好男人,深爱妻子和孩子。A whole section is devoted to mental illness.有一个完整病区收治精神病患者。The final issue was devoted to critical considerations of individual writers.最后一个议题是作者个人的批判性思考。She was fanatically devoted to her job.她痴迷于自己的工作。Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time.尽管母亲总是为琐事和父亲争吵,但她深爱着父亲。So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.很大一部分收入都用来还月供,根本剩不下什么钱。Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.为了证明他是个骗子已投入了相当多的人力和财力。Bottle-collecting even has a website devoted to the subject.集瓶甚至有一个专题网站。Her grandchildren are devoted to her.她的孙子孙女们很爱她。It's a website devoted to environmental issues.这是一个专门致力于环境问题的网站。She is devoted to her garden.她一心扑在花园上。All the proceeds from the taxes should be devoted to healthcare.所有税收应该全部用于医疗保健。She was devoted to him, but she no longer loved him madly.她一心一意地爱他,但是这份爱不再疯狂。Over half his speech was devoted to the issue of unemployment.他那篇演讲用了一半多的篇幅讨论失业问题。




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