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词汇 developments
例句 Investigators report that there have been some hopeful developments in the case.调查人员称案件有了一些乐观的进展。There have been major new developments in satellite technology.卫星技术有了重大的新发展。Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.近来该地区的一些新情况导致民族之间潜在的紧张关系公开化了。Of course we'll keep you up to date about any future developments.当然我们会让你知道将来最新的进展情况。Although developments are generally good some cautionary notes should be sounded.虽然发展情况整体良好的,但是一些告诫的话还是应该说的。I try to stay au courant with the latest developments in the industry.我尽量紧跟这一行业的最新发展动态。This lowering of standards sets a dangerous precedent for future developments.这次标准的降低为将来的发展开了危险的先例。These developments hardly affected the public perception of the crisis.进展情况几乎没有影响公众对危机的看法。On the technical front, there have been a number of important developments.技术领域有了一系列重大进步。He reviewed his decision in the light of recent developments.他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的决定。It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends.从当前的趋势来推断未来的发展是可能的。We will continue to follow this story and bring you the latest developments.我们将持续跟踪这一事件,为您带来最新进展的报道。Major developments are in prospect for the company.公司可望有大的发展。This means we need to keep pace with developments in new technologies.这意味着我们得紧跟新技术的发展步伐。Nicky reports to me on any new developments in the relevant technological fields.相关技术领域里的任何新发展尼基都向我汇报。For the sake of completeness, I should also mention two other minor developments.为了不遗漏任何细节,我还想提提另外两个不太重要的新情况。We'll be keeping you informed of any new developments.我们会随时通知你事态最新的发展。Many new housing developments had sprung up around the city.城市周围雨后春笋般冒出了许多新的住宅开发项目。Recent developments have swayed the balance of power in the region.最近的发展使这个地区的实力均势发生了改变。I try to keep abreast of any developments.我努力了解所有新的进展情况。The bustling downtown area of Chicago is dotted with massive new office developments.芝加哥的闹市区到处都是新建的办公大楼。He kept a weather eye open for the new political developments.他密切注意着政治发展的新动向。These developments are in direct contradiction to Florida's planning laws.这些开发项目直接违反了佛罗里达的规划法规。He's totally clued in on the latest computer developments.他对电脑的最新发展情况了如指掌。The new developments are being viewed with alarm.新的进展情况让人们感到恐慌。New housing developments are spoiling the countryside for everyone.新的住宅开发项目破坏了大家的乡村美景。The final section of this chapter will deal with recent developments.这章的最后部分将阐述最近的发展情况。We'll be watching for any developments.我们会关注任何进展。Technical developments give us a lot of new vocabulary.技术的发展带给了我们大量新的词汇。We'll have more on this breaking story as developments come in to us.随着对事态发展的了解,我们将会继续报道这一突发新闻。I try to keep up with the latest developments in computer technology.我努力跟上计算机技术的最新发展。Popular support would be undercut by political developments.民众支持率将会随政治势态的发展而下降。New developments have been painfully slow.新的进展一直慢得令人难以忍受。There are no new developments to report at this stage.这一阶段没有新的情况可以报告。He reviewed his policy in the light of recent developments.他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的方针。The laboratory assistant would continue to monitor developments in this regard.实验员将继续监测这方面的进展。New developments are forcing long-established firms to look to their laurels.新的发展使那些老牌企业也得小心翼翼地保持自己的声誉。We'll be keeping you informed of any further developments throughout the day.我们会及时告诉你一天的进展情况。Many people live in new housing developments.许多人住在新建住宅区内。We are continuing to keep watch on developments in the region.我们在持续关注这一地区的发展。




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