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词汇 developing
例句 In Denmark, regular health visiting promotes wellness by developing healthier children.在丹麦,定期的健康随访使儿童更加健康地成长,从而提高了国民的身体素质。There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees.雇主和员工之间出现了互不信任。Squats are ideal for developing and toning the glutes.下蹲是让臀大肌增大结实的理想运动。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家承受着巨大的外债负担。Researchers are developing technology for the US military.研究人员在为美国军方开发技术。Things were developing into a full-on catastrophe.事情在逐渐演变成严重的灾难。The risk of developing heart disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked.吸食香烟的数量越多,患心脏病的风险就越大。Exposure of unprotected skin to the sun carries the risk of developing skin cancer.皮肤未作防护而暴露在阳光下,有患皮肤癌的风险。Not exercising puts you at greater risk of developing heart disease.不运动会加大你患心脏病的风险。In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney.他在一次飞往悉尼的航行中得了深静脉血栓,险些丧命。Much of the developing world is crippled by debts.大部分发展中国家都被债务压垮了。Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions.工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案。The company developing the site had held a competition to find a master-planner.该地的开发商在举行比赛,以决定主设计师人选。A well-timed joke stopped the disagreement developing into something more serious.一个及时的笑话使这场争论没有变得更加剑拔弩张。An inflammable situation is developing in the pay dispute.在工资纠纷中一触即发的局面正在形成。Industry has been working at developing harmless substitutes for these gases.该行业一直在努力开发一些可以替代这些气体的无害物质。Society begins to have an impact on the developing child.社会开始对成长中的孩子产生影响。Overseas Private Investment Corp. is a US government-chartered corporation that provides guarantees and insurance to US companies investing in developing countries.海外私人投资公司是一家由美国政府批准建立的公司,为在发展中国家投资经营的美国公司提供担保和保险。Scientists are developing a new wonder drug for treating arthritis.科学家们正在研发一种治疗关节炎的新型特效药。The sonogram showed that the fetus was developing normally.超声波扫描图显示胎儿发育正常。Check that any medication you're taking carries no risk for your developing baby.仔细检查,确保你所服用的任何药物不会对胎儿造成危险。He was instrumental in developing links with European organizations.他对建立与欧洲组织之间的联系起了重要作用。The government is developing innovative/advanced technologies to improve the safety of its soldiers.政府正在开发创新/先进的技术装备以改善士兵的安全状况。People who smoke have a significantly greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who don't.吸烟的人患肺癌的风险比不吸烟的人要大得多。Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism.许多人出于无私的考虑,决定在发展中国家工作。The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.发展中国家背负着巨额外债。The Government had been decidedly ambivalent about developing European social policy.政府在制定欧洲的社会政策方面显然一直摇摆不定。There's a time lag between infection with HIV and developing AIDS.从感染艾滋病病毒到病发有一段滞后期。It's a major research program, aimed at developing cheaper fuels.这是一项重大研究计划,旨在研制出更廉价的燃料。Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries.全球化给发展中国家带来的实际利益很少。American investment bankers are still plugging away, looking for business in developing countries like Thailand, Indonesia, or Malaysia.美国的投资银行家仍在努力,在泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等发展中国家寻求商机。Not all students were developing high proficiency in Spanish.并非所有学生对西班牙语都学得很精通。Four organisations are currently involved in developing the system.目前有四个组织参与开发这个系统。By exercising often, you can decrease your chance of developing heart disease.时常锻炼可以降低患心脏病的概率。The World Bank makes grants to developing countries but it doesn't just turn the money loose.世界银行拨款给发展中国家,但并不听任随便使用。In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.在发展中国家,香烟的消费量正在上升。The disease continues to be a scourge in the developing world.这种疾病仍然是发展中国家的一大祸害。It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of developing good study habits.养成良好学习习惯的重要性怎么强调也不过分。Wilson hoped his chance discovery would benefit poor families in developing nations.威尔逊希望自己的偶然发现会造福发展中国家的穷苦家庭。




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