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词汇 allegation
例句 The inspectors found no evidence which supported any allegation of suppression of official documents.检察官没有找到任何证据来证实有关官方文件被封锁的说法。I'm sorry but I can neither confirm nor deny the allegation.抱歉,我既无法证实也无法否认这项指控。People who make a false allegation that injures someone else's reputation could be subject to a libel suit.通过虚假指控损害他人名誉者可被控诽谤罪。Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.主席先生,我反对。 这项指控不公正。How do you respond to the allegation that you deliberately deceived your employers?有人指控你蓄意欺骗雇主,你怎么回应?As he girds his loins for the party's leadership election, Mr Kennedy refutes the allegation that he is lazy.肯尼迪先生驳斥了称他懒惰的指控,摩拳擦掌为竞选党派领导做准备。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控断送了一名讲师的前程。You're making a serious allegation. Do you have any proof?你正在进行一项重大的指控。你有什么证据吗?Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.后来,举证指控穆瓦瓦德的那名证人撤回了证词。She described this second allegation as based on idle rumours.她称第二条指控是基于毫无根据的谣传。Have you any proof of that allegation?关于那种说法你可有什么证据? That allegation is a flat-out lie.那项指责是彻头彻尾的谎言。That allegation is a flat-out lie.那项指控是彻头彻尾的谎言。One member of staff had made an allegation of racial harassment against her.有一位职员对她提出了种族骚扰的指控。He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.他们指控/谴责/声称他企图欺骗他们,他对此进行了驳斥。I utterly refute the allegation that I acted negligently.我完全否认对我行事疏忽的指控。It's a matter of fact and not allegation and therefore I would say the claims my family have made have been vindicated.这是事实而不是臆断,因此我要说,我家人的说法已经被证实了。The witness who had testified against him withdrew her allegation.曾经作证说他有罪的那名证人已经撤销指控。Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory?你能证明你的陈述/指控/报告/理论吗?We found no credible evidence to support this allegation.我们找不到任何可信的证据支持这一指控。If they disputed his allegation, Paul would rip into them with every foul word you could imagine.如果他们对他的陈述提出质疑,保罗会用你能想象得到的各种肮脏词汇攻击他们。The lawyer's allegation was proved.律师的辩词证明属实。There is no allegation against Mr. Best.没有对贝斯特先生提出指控。The Board conclusively repudiates the allegation that you have carried to this committee.董事会对你向该委员会提起的指控予以了强有力的否认。Such an allegation is utterly without foundation.这样的指控完全没有根据。I advise you to withdraw your allegation before I contact my lawyer.我建议你在我同我的律师联系之前收回你的指控。The college treated the allegation with just seriousness.这所学院严肃而恰当地处理了此项指控。The allegation has caused one lecturer's career to bite the dust.这项指控葬送了一名讲师的职业生涯。Party leaders denounced the allegation as a smear.政党领袖们谴责这份声明是恶意中伤。He rebutted the charge/allegation/objection.他驳回了指控/主张/异议。It took over two months to disprove the allegation.证明该指控不成立用了两个多月的时间。If this allegation is true, it will give us a useful lever against him.如果这项指控属实,将会成为我们对付他的有力武器。The allegation was a pure fabrication and a deceit.这项罪名完全是无稽之谈和一场骗局。




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