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词汇 detached
例句 They lived in a modest semi-detached house in the suburbs.他们住在城郊一所不大的半独立式房子里。They live in a semi-detached house.他们住在一所半独立式的房子里。Should doctors always remain clinically detached from their patients?医生是否应该总是跟患者保持距离,不掺杂任何情感呢?A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.一位发言人以事不关己的、就事论事的声调读出死者名单。He watched them work with a detached amusement.他看着他们工作,一副事不关己悠闲快活的样子。The control unit can be detached from the base.控制部件可以从底座上拆下来。She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner.她以冷静客观的态度叙述了发生的事情。He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails.他试图不带感情地对待那些犯人,但是做不到。Her face had an expression of detached amusement.她的脸上露出一种超然的愉悦。She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things.她似乎有些心不在焉,好像心思在别的事情上。The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.那位军官派了三十名士兵去守火车站。During the accident the trailer was detached from the car.事故发生时,拖车与车身脱离。The coupon is not valid if detached.折价券撕下无效。Witnessing all the pain and suffering, it is sometimes difficult for relief workers to remain detached.亲眼目睹了这一切痛苦和苦难,救援人员有时感到很难保持客观的心态。We need someone who is able to stand back and take a detached view.我们需要有人能够置身事外,看法客观超脱。Sometimes it's essential for doctors to cultivate a detached attitude.有时医生们采取超然的态度是至关重要的。A judge must be detached when weighing evidence.法官在掂量证据时应该客观公正。Throughout the novel, the story is seen through the eyes of a detached observer.整部小说的故事情节都是从一个旁观者的角度展开的。He appeared totally detached from the horrific nature of his crimes.他好像对自己可怕的罪行完全无动于衷。A leaf detached itself and fell to the ground.一片树叶掉了下来,落到地上。He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners.他试图不带感情地对待那些犯人。He detached himself from his party and sauntered over to her table.他离开伙伴,踅到她的桌边。He seemed aloof and detached.他显得冷漠离群。They wanted the opinion of a detached observer.他们希望听取公正的观察员的意见。The article takes a detached view of the issue.这篇文章对这个问题持客观的态度。You'll never be a good lawyer until you learn to be more detached.你得学会更客观,否则就成不了好律师。Edward, who appeared to have detached himself from the proceedings, stared out of the window.爱德华看来走神了,凝视着窗外。There was an accident when the towrope detached from the car.当拖绳从车子上脱落时发生了事故。School management is often too detached from the classroom.学校管理往往太脱离课堂。They detached their trailer and set up camp.他们卸下挂车,支起帐篷。A characteristic feature of this area is the detached pillars of rock that stand in the sea.这一区域的特色是耸立在海中的孤立的石柱。The house has a detached garage.这座房子有一间独立车库。The nipple from several of the pacifiers detached during testing.有几个塑料奶头的奶嘴在测试中脱落了。She tries to remain emotionally detached from her patients.她努力使自己的情绪不受病人的影响。It was an ordinary, post-war semi-detached.这是战后建的一座普通的半独立式房屋。The house has a detached garage.这房子有个独立的车库。Except a few detached sayings, he has left no monument behind him.他一生中除了一些片言只语外,没有留下什么不朽的著作。He seemed detached, but perfectly friendly.他看起来不动感情,但却非常友善。It is written in a detached, precise style.行文冷静客观,一针见血。He felt curiously detached from what was going on.奇怪的是,他对于正在发生的事情感到超然物外。




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