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词汇 despicable
例句 Let us see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.我们等着看法庭严惩这些可憎的罪犯,以儆效尤。He's a despicable human being!他是个令人厌恶的人!She is a despicable traitor.她是个卑鄙的叛徒。Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.至少让我们看到法庭惩罚这些十恶不赦的罪犯以儆效尤。The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.部长说这次爆炸是一起卑劣的罪行。It was a despicable act of racism.那是可鄙的种族歧视行为。These were particularly despicable crimes.这些是极其卑劣的罪行。It was despicable of you to lie to your parents.你向你的父母说谎是个可鄙的行为。What I find particularly despicable is their neglect of old people.我认为他们冷落老年人的行为尤其卑鄙。It was an absolutely despicable thing to do.这么做真是太卑劣了。It's despicable the way he treats those kids.他那样对待那些孩子,真卑鄙。




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